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![Sliver Overlord feature for Sliver Combo/Control [Primer]](
Azielle on
The Hive Mind Project
3 years ago
Thank you for the positive and constructive feedback Doombeard1984 :)
Like you, I initially crafted the list with Sliver Overlord at the helm. I liked the idea of having a powered down version available for friendly games with new pods. I find I'm slowly creeping power back into the deck. How can you not, slivers just seem to get more fun the better they work together. I'll likely pilot the deck with Overlord in the Zone when I'm with people I know, and when they're playing decks that can handle a higher power level.
I will very likely, for example, start sneaking counter magic back into the "Protection" category—which initially started out as a stack of counterspells and a Teferi's Protection . That's exactly the kind of confirmatory feedback I was looking for when I fired up this Hive Mind project; thank you. I'll start by throwing Fierce Guardianship back in later this evening, as each Commander is central to their respective combos.
Speaking of helpful ideas that I'll be reworking the curve to include, I knew there had to be something amazing out there for Spiteful Sliver . Blasphemous Act + Spiteful Sliver is exactly the type of flavour I wanted to find for this deck. I love it! That'll be going in as soon as I have a minute to rework my spreadsheet. I love how well Blasphemous Act works with Crypt Sliver as well. A one-sided board wipe for ? Yes, please.
Welcome to the Hive Mind Doombeard1984, and thank you for the strength and the spice that you and your All hail...The Overlord list have offered my brood!
Sectiron on
The First Sliver (archived)
5 years ago
Thanks TefflonDice!
Recently more edh videos on Youtube have emerged regarding The First Sliver , however they have not come very close to a victory. Infact, most games I've watched see the deck being the first to be killed. I don't believe that will happen in the case of this deck, being much faster. The decks on Youtube play much more non-creature spells and low cmc non-slivers which end the cascade chain. I personally enjoy my more sliver-centric, pseudo-power build.
In my opinion, if you want to play The First Sliver you might as well be abusing the cascade ability, otherwise other sliver commanders, such as Sliver Overlord or even Morophon, the Boundless are much better. We're not playing The First Sliver to go slow. I've had wins in my semi-competitive meta with this deck, purely because of the sheer overwhelming nature of the deck.
In saying this, I am currently experimenting with these cards:
- Maelstrom Nexus (see comment #8)
- Living End (see comment #8)
- Wheel of Fate (to cascade into for free and refill the hand)
- Memorial to Folly (recursion that won't be accidentally hit)
- Mortuary Mire (recursion that won't be accidentally hit)
- Strip Mine (to stop Maze of Ith effects)
- Diffusion Sliver (see guide)
- Mirari's Wake (see guide)
- Blasphemous Act + Spiteful Sliver Combo (see guide)
- and tutors or potentially more ways to stack the top of our library for consistent cascades (e.g. Sensei's Divining Top , Sylvan Library and Scroll Rack )
- as well as ramp/rocks to ensure consistency as well as enough mana in the late game
Some weaker slivers I MIGHT get rid of:
- Mesmeric Sliver (although it can screw with an opponents deck, it doesn't do much for the board or the opponents hand; in a pinch it can be not so good)
- Lavabelly Sliver (with Purphoros, God of the Forge it can do wonders. Without, one damage and one life per sliver is quite lack lustre, especially when you already have lords to pump +1/1, equaling to one damage PER TURN)
- Shapesharer (3 mana is actually quite expensive to activate an ability in this deck. And the ability of Shapesharer only lasts until your next turn. Very few situations have I found its copy ability to be useful in the deck, at best copying a small pump ability. Even when copying the opponents creatures, I have found very few relevant ones. Perhaps the right situations haven't come up yet, so I'm still placing hopes on this card)
Due to the amount of cards I need to move around and test (as you can see above), the next update might be in a while. I want to do a big update soon, providing as accurate information as possible on how these cards do. Hopefully, if you're interested, you can test with me and provide suggestions!