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hcaselli on Really Dissapointed in MTG
8 years ago
Sometimes we play EDH here in my city, and since there are very high leveled players, we usually laugh of those locks. The common joke is "1. Beat XXX (a well known player); 2. Beat the players which are using blue; 3. Beat Daretti players (me included); 4. Start the politics".
It may look unreasonable, but since all of us have different decks, we bring out different games just because, if we always use the same decks, that makes things unfair and less fun that it should be. One day a Daretti player used Krenko as a Commander, just for hiding the planeswalker and sneaked through a solid win. After that, we started to use different and weird Commanders, and after we stopped because that turned into a obvious thing. All in all, fun's the golden rule, and we're having lots of it even with some salt.
Last week I threw Blightsteel Colossus + Lightning Greaves and Darksteel Forge + Mycosynth Lattice with two mono-colored Commanders on the board, just after they used Damnation and Wrath of God. That's the kind of salt we face.