Once Bloodcheif Ascension goes online if a card goes into any opponents graveyard that player looses life to Bloodcheif then discarding cards to mindcrank continuing the process until no life or cards are left
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MrGuizee666 on Viability - mono blue wincons
2 years ago
nbarry223 i thought about splashing black to add cards like Extirpate, Duress and some boardwipes. Also I really like to play with Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver and Duskmantle Guildmage + Mindcrank /Bloodchief Ascension + Mindcrank but I wanted something more monocolor. Blue is my fav color, I thought about adding Mu Yanling, Sky Dancer and Mordenkainen however I'm not sure if they're any viable on their on.
wallisface Shark Typhoon is too expensive for me :( I'm thinking about splashing either or
TheOfficialCreator hm Jace, Wielder of Mysteries might be more helpful as a wincon but I'll have to empty my library quite fast. Leveler is an interesting card, could win if it by turn 5 if Jace doesn't get bounced or killed. Too risk but could work. Maybe main deck 4x Pact of Negation?
BrickSkipper on
Kroxa's Snax [PRIMER] *MH2 Update*
3 years ago
I recently went down 1 land and am testing how it feels. Do keep in mind I've got 2 MDFC Lands... So I like to think I have 36, which I generally find to be fine for midrangey decks. I think, depending on the pod, that running REB and pyroblast powers the deck up a bit with some cheap interaction. I feel like I'd need to rework the entire manabase to run cabal coffers (I like to keep my failure rates pretty low on coffers - but if you can make it work for you let me know!). Nykthos I can see being good. I have yet to get around to playtesting mesmeric orb (it seems like it would be quite good - my last swap was to try out stitcher's supplier). If you want to power it up you could run Bloodchief Ascension + Mindcrank as a combo that wins, or animate dead/necromancy + worldgorger dragon. Aside from adding combo win conditions, and in terms of just upping the card quality I'm really not quite sure. I really am thinking more and more that cling to dust deserves a spot as a cantrip that is graveyard hate and can provide card advantage from our graveyard when we get to the grind.
If you have the wallet (or a printer) Chains of Mephistopheles is probably on the list of cards this deck wants.
Sacred_Aquarius on
Alela, Artful combo
4 years ago
I want to thank you, as your deck has helped me to improve my own deck.
Similarly, I would like to recommend the following combo: Bloodchief Ascension + Mindcrank to win with mill or causing your opponents to lose life.
I leave a link to my recipe so we can share ideas. https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/alela-artful-provocateur-edh-combo/
thegreatwizard on
Pay Up
4 years ago
I thought about adding the life-swapping effects, but I decided against it since I am trying to keep my life total above my opponents with lifelink and drain effects, and they don't affect the board at all. If I was including those, Phyrexian Unlife and/or Platinum Angel allow you to go to 0 life, swap with an opponent, and instakill them.
I like the Bloodchief Ascension + Mindcrank combo, but I don't love Mindcrank on its own since it fuels opponents graveyard shenanigans without affecting the board or their life totals. Instantly killing all your opponents with a two-card combo is certainly powerful though, so I will consider included it, especially since Bloodchief Ascension is already great and Liesa puts counters on it very quickly.
_Putrefax on
Message from Surgeon-General Yawgmoth Re: COVID-19
4 years ago
Seems to me like you'd struggle if you hit with Rest in Peace or other graveyard hate to stop your recurring bodies for your wincons. Maybe run the Bloodchief Ascension + Mindcrank combo as a way to win without your graveyard?
Some other things i thought might be cool would be the depletion counter lands like Peat Bog and Bottomless Vault, since your commander can proliferate the counters on them to make them tap for big mana.
New Ikoria spoilers added a couple spicy inclusions to your deck too - including a Blood Artist effect on an enchantment, and a 4CMC exile removal spell you can cast for free as long as your commander is out.
Icbrgr on Howling Mine + Mind Funeral
6 years ago
@cdkime yeah i think my issue with my brew at this point is what you fundamentally said about the mill archetype earlier...
"Mill is traditionally a hyper-aggressive deck--a good analogy is Burn. Both generally try to win as explosively as possible, killing an opponent before they can be overwhelmed themselves."
As my list initially looked and even how it is now it isnt really hyper-aggressive nor trying to win as explosively as possible... but rather building around less than ideal cards within the archetype that require a lot of synergy/support to get online/result in winning... again comparing to Burn its like im building around Lightning Strike and Falkenrath Gorger.
I do wish to remain in the creature theme being boosted off of milling the opponent... but I think I need to improve my decklist to facilitate a more aggressive/explosive win approach if I intend to Contend in the Modern formt... Perhaps Bloodchief Ascension + Mindcrank with some evasion is what im looking for... Im not sure but ill keep working/brewing with it.