MTG Combo: Bloodghast + Perilous Forays

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smiffdemon on

8 years ago

Tyr_W, I like some of your suggestions a lot!! I agree Caustic Caterpillar is bette value than Acidic Slime. I feel like with some of my substitutions my mana curve is getting to be a little high too. More good early game control is good. Bloodghast + Perilous Forays seems like a fun combo too. I'm a fan of Deathrite Shaman because its great early game control, and I've got a Tasiger player in my playgroup so the more limited I can make his choices the better, I feel. Plus just good early game control all around. Perhaps if I can find a better 1 to 3 mana thing to throw in, I will replace him.

Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon might be the odd one out in the deck, but he's still something that has to be dealt with or people will lose quickly. That being said, if/when I can get my hands on a Lord of Extinction, I think I'll be replacing Skittles with him. I like Demon of Death's Gate a lot. That's one heck of a hard hitter.

Blade of Selves is pretty expensive, which is the only reason I feel my ideas with it haven't come to full fruition. Cauldron of Souls seems like fun with Mikaeus too, but I think I'm gonna leave that piece of equipment in there until I can get a Nim Deathmantle (wish my local game stores had some of the cards I needed!!)

Dredge 5 for a missed draw step seems worth it on the occasions that I feel like I have to do it. Hornet Queen is awesome though. It's just got such a HIGH CMC, and as I said before, I feel like my curve is getting higher the more I make cuts.

I didn't even think about how Wake the Dead combo'd with Mikaeus or Cauldron. I'm still a fan of Rise, but I can see the advantage to ditching it.

The only thing I strongly disagree with is to take Mezerek out. He's a game winner. Again, maybe if I can find a Lord of Extinction or Craterhoof Behemoth (and consiquently lose all my friends) I'll ditch him but he's a powerful sweeper.

It might be worth noting that I changed a couple of things in the deck since you reviewed it. Nothing huge. Just added in Triskelion, Urborg, Solemn Simulacrum, and Vesuva.

Gonna check out your deck here in a second!!

And lastly, trobaldo, thanks for your continued comments!!