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Lilbrudder on
Thrasios 4 color HD prototype
8 years ago
Thank you for the information. I can definitely see getting rid of Timetwister. I feel Lingering Souls is one of those cards that is far stronger in a game than in playtesting. Against removal heavy decks those creatures may become very necessary. Also they synergize with Tymna in a grindy matchup. I am thinking of trying Bloodghast + Skullclamp out as a potential alternative. Im not a fan of Pull from Eternity. Its really terrible in general and only somewhat playable if you only have one win condition. Helix Pinnacle is too slow. Having to wait a full turn cycle to win feels bad. I think just one outlet in the deck is fine since I have labman and Thrasisos draws my deck with infinite colorless. I added an extra land to address your concerns. I really like urborg because its essentially a UG deck and I need to sometimes produce BBB for necropotence. Ancient tomb may get cut if color fixing is an issue.
Lilbrudder on
Sen Stooges
8 years ago
I feel you on the fetches. I do have to say from holding out myself for a while that they are worth every penny. I have most the ones that were reprinted now in khans and they significantly increase the consistency of your early game, thin your deck for better mid to late game draws, and allow you to do shenanighans like drawing 4 cards a turn for 2 mana with Bloodghast + Skullclamp . Plus the ability to shuffle away bad top decks is extremely important. As for the artifacts overall top is better and it fits in more playstyles. However, for some builds I prefer Rack since it can do great things with cards like Necropotence and Land Tax, but after extensive playing I wouldn't use Land Tax outside a boros or mono white build. It is just underwhelming Imo. Also if you need to put a card from your hand on top of your library. Generals like Sidisi, Brood Tyrant and Narset, Enlightened Master are better served by rack tham top.
Anyways would you be willing to take a look at my competitive Sidisi deck and give me some feedback? I am using a number of proxies (Imperial seal!) but the goal is to disrupt opponents early i.e. turn 2 Flash + Terastodon or Kederekt Leviathan + Necromancy and then combo off in the mid to late game.
She sold her soul to create the mold
Commander / EDH*
SCORE: 2 | 729 VIEWS