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thesquidlabs on
Syndicate Blood Tracker
8 years ago
Hey, saw this deck in tops, and it really caught my eye. I noticed you are running the Briarbridge Patrol + Tamiyo's Journal combo. You see, I have experience running this combo in standard (see my deck: Blue's Clues (SOI STANDARD)) and I have a few tips. First of all, don't bother. I'm serious. I have tried time and time again to get it to work in standard, and it never quite got there. Perhaps it's because it's a two-card combo with a four and five mana card; perhaps it needs to survive a few turns to even do anything. And even when (if) it does anything, it's underwhelming. In practice, you've wasted card advantage and tempo to cheat a fatty onto the board. With a hyper-efficient, hyper-aggressive meta such as this one, I cannot see the combo working. Period. If you INSIST on running it, I suggest you use it more as a value engine. In the current state of your deck, it's doing what? Cheating out a 6-drop? What's the point? If you are going to use that much tempo for the sake of a discount on mana, you better at least make it worth your while. For this purpose, I would suggest running something like a Noxious Gearhulk or two, which is good even without the combo. Or, if you're the "go big or go home" type, run something like an Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger (I would not recommend this) As for the rest of the deck, I don't really like Byway Courier and Aetherborn Marauder, as they are substandard creatures with limited synergy with your deck. Speaking of synergy, I would focus more on it in this deck. Judging by the fact that this deck is budget, synergy is key to ANY form of success against a T1 deck. Your deck seems torn between two decks right now: a GB Sacrifice/Delirium Deck, and a GB Artifact Aggro deck. If you want the Delirium deck, I'd suggest looking at lists like this. As for the GB artifact deck (which you seem to be leaning towards), I would suggest a more aggressive deck, with Deathcap Cultivators, Bloodbriars and Tamiyo's Journals replaced with stuff like Scrapheap Scrounger and Weaponcraft Enthusiast. You could also go for a more midrange approach, playing mana-rocks and keeping control with efficient removal until you play a Metalwork Colossus. This is the kind of deck I would cut the pump spells for (in addition to non-artifact synergy cards) for stuff like Murder and Noxious Gearhulk. Anyways, sorry for rambling. I wish you future deckbuilding success!
P.S. Weirding Wood sucks. Get rid of it.
whompkin on
Syndicate Blood Tracker
8 years ago
darklinglion398 while Briarbridge Patrol + Tamiyo's Journal can bring out Emrakul, the Promised End early, you won't get it's 'cast' effect - taking contol of opponent's turn - because it was put onto the battlefield instead of being cast.
reber88 unfortunately clues don't go to the graveyard.
RmaGdn on
Investigative Journalism
8 years ago
Wow, I appreciate how much time you took to explain your thoughts on this deck. I will pick up a couple Inventors' Fair, I see how it can be passively beneficial, while also having the option to tutor when I need it.
As to the mana base, I only had the 2 Fortified Village and 2 Port Town, so that's what I ended up with. I do have more Canopy Vista, so I'll add an extra one, and pick up the SoI lands when I have the cash.
I will probably drop the Ongoing Investigation, as when I was testing, it didn't really do much. My deck doesn't attack frequently, because my creatures aren't large in the early game, I found Ulvenwald Mysteries was the powerhouse here.
I could drop Kozilek, I had him simply because he is huge, has menace, and gives me an outlet to counter spells, especially in the late game when I'm drawing so many cards. I would much rather have something like Verdurous Gearhulk, so when I can afford one I'll pick it up.
The reason I had Aetherworks Marvel in there was in case I couldn't pull off the Briarbridge Patrol + Tamiyo's Journal combo, because then at least I could sac 6 clues for the energy and then go digging. I'm not sure if that helps my odds getting something big into the field, or if it ultimately diminishes them, I haven't played enough with the deck to tell.
I do have a playset of Thalia's Lancers, Bruna, the Fading Light, and 1 Gisela, the Broken Blade, so I could play around with that, but I'm not sure if I'll have to take out too many integral cards, I don't want the combo to be inconsistent.
Leatherankh on
Abzan Clues
8 years ago
Neat ideas, but you can't count on a perfect draw. I would add Briarbridge Patrol + Tamiyo's Journal since that combo allows you to Tutor up your Gearhulk and slam it the same turn.
Keos027 on
Emracool, The Tron-esd End
8 years ago
You mean this very deck? That I indeed already added to my to try list :P The Emerge one that just been released seems pretty fun.
So many decks to try. I can't buy them all though haha. I also like making my own, not just copy those I've seen online. So far, I haven't seem anyone making the Briarbridge Patrol + Tamiyo's Journal combo and it is my favorite so far.
Keos027 on
8 years ago
I just played against one. It's pretty strong. Got comboed by Eldrazi Displacer + Reflector Mage and it was quite annoying. I won one of three rounds against it though as I combo Briarbridge Patrol + Tamiyo's Journal to fetch Ulamog and put it on the battlefield. And since it is not cast, I could put it again :). But then my opponent just sidedecked what he needed and my Clue deck wasn't fast enough.
u/g clue combo deck
8 years ago
I really like the Briarbridge Patrol + Tamiyo's Journal combo. Here's my take on it UGW Tamiyo's Clue Journal
MTGwizard555 on
8 years ago
Nice deck, how about you try to put in the Briarbridge Patrol + Tamiyo's Journal combo. Check out my clue deck u/g clue combo deck