MTG Combo: Brood Monitor + Eldrazi Displacer

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Soulus101 on Other ways to kill people …

6 years ago

Difficult in WG. You already have my favourite card in magic Altar of the Brood; have you considered Panharmonicon and/or Paradox Engine to up the trigger rates? I mean, you're really looking for artifacts that turn creatures into something else... Lifegain is a win-con with Aetherflux Reservoir or Felidar Sovereign, so consider Soul Sisters/ Ajani's Welcome.

Back on Altar of the Brood, the Brood Monitor + Eldrazi Displacer combo is an instant win. Don't forget Rest in Peace to kill any Shuffling shenanigans.

TheRedGoat on Bantharmonicon Combo

8 years ago

Not sure if you knew, but Brood Monitor + Eldrazi Displacer was already a pseudo infinite combo, as Monitor could be bounced an infinite number of times, you just couldn't get infinite tokens. Other cards that work with this btw are Birthing Hulk and Drowner of Hope. All of which result in finite scions to sac for infinite mana. Other combos that you honestly should have seen before also include:

Thought-Knot Seer or Manic Scribe to mill them out.

Mausoleum Wanderer + bouncing spirits=infinite power creature.

Ninth Bridge Patrol gets big off of the combo itself.

Obsessive Skinner to make any creature you want infinitely big.

Ulvenwald Hydra or the new Wild Wanderer to tutor all, or at least most, lands out of your deck.


Sorry, as a partial black control player I like my Murder effects to be useful.

Incidentally, there are countless other win cons you get from your combo here that you can win with on the spot within the other 2 colors of the magic spectrum. 2 of which are even Eldrazi. (though as a heads up most of them are red)

jubale on

8 years ago

A little explanation would be nice. I see Traverse the Ulvenwald as a delirious creature tutor, Eldritch Evolution tutor, Brood Monitor + Eldrazi Displacer infinite combo. I think you want Grapple with the Past to get back creatures you sac, or just get a new creature, and Nantuko Husk because it works so well with these other cards you have. More zombies generally.

Raging_Squiggle on Mama Said Deck You Out

8 years ago

Deckologist, what would you suggest then for 5 color mill? He could go allies, or Phenax big creatures. But both those strategies rely on a singular card which is very fragile. I can't think of much else because the other colors aren't designed for milling.

However, since my being realistic has brought about negative responses, here's what I have to offer:

white and green have token generation, so you can incorporate that into using cards like Altar of the Brood and Phenax, God of Deception. So:

Red has additional discard, which you have most of already. But here are a few more:

Black and Green have the graveyard recursion for your creatures:

The way this deck is turning out to be in my head is a combo deck with various alternate milling win conditions. Meaning you'll be throwing in a lot of various tutor cards Enlightened Tutor, Mystical Tutor, Demonic Tutor, Gamble, Altar of Bone, Signal the Clans, etc. In order to get the pieces for the combo you want to use this game.

You could go

I can't think of much more, but if this isn't enough, I can maybe squeeze out a couple more ideas.

GolgariJunkman on

8 years ago

Peregrine Drake / Palinchron + Deadeye Navigator / Eldrazi Displacer should be more effective than the Brood Monitor + Eldrazi Displacer Combo...

More mana! :)

GolgariJunkman on

8 years ago

Thragtusk is already on the list & no, i got no interest in Combo Brood Monitor + Eldrazi Displacer xD

It's lame xD

IzzetMtG on Aristocratic Rites!

8 years ago

It's not too bad. Brood Monitor + Eldrazi Displacer is the heart, allowing infinite blink activations of displacer. Throw in a Zulaport Cutthroat, Pious Evangel  Flip, and/or Catacomb Sifter for infinite drain triggers, infinite life, or infinite scry triggers to find a missing kill piece. The rest of the deck supports setting up the combo with a little disruption for help. :)

TMBRLZ on [Discussion] Briarbridge Patrol +Tamiyo's Journal …

8 years ago

I'm an avid fan of infinite combos and fresh discoveries of synergies and the like so I respect this discovery in every way. I just question if its worth it.

I was continuously looking for infinite combos for Standard when we experienced the last rotation. The only things out there before Oath were that god awful Scalelord combo that takes forever and the infinite combo with Jeskai Ascendancy and Noyan Dar, Roil Shaper + Soulfire Grand Master . I respected the latter combo much more but it still took too much time to set up and left tons of pieces exposed.

I didn't like the turn 5 capacity of the Brood Monitor + Eldrazi Displacer combo either... so I made it turn 4 capable:


Standard TMBRLZ


I've seen two good ideas for infinite loops/combos so far from this new Standard, this being one of them, but like the other one I've seen so far I question it's speed. The number of pieces directly affects the time it takes to fire off and the amount of time it takes to fire off directly affects the amount of protection it needs and then you have the conflicts of cram vs protect when you're building the list.

Granted you're trying to slide this into a midrange variant, but even then, that even further raises the question: Is it even worth it or are there simply better options out there?