MTG Combo: Brood Monitor + Eldrazi Displacer + Pious Evangel
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Bouncy as a Chubby Cheerleader (Details Added)
8 years ago
I have given some more thought to green to get the Brood Monitor + Eldrazi Displacer + Pious Evangel combo. But it is tough. In addition to the extra lizards and evangels for the combo, I feel that if I am adding green, which is essentially a fourth color for this deck, I need more mana fixing. In addition to some land swaps, I would want Sylvan Scrying to get key lands, Cryptolith Rite for crazy mana power, which makes the combo searcher From Beyond even more powerful, and Elvish Visionary would give fast draws with bounce and a body which is this decks current biggest need), and Pulse of Murasa to let me regain key cards while coming back from an early game beat down. After I consider all this, I would have gutted a 1/3 or more of this deck. As much as I really would like seeing infinite combos, the slippery slope in my head is preventing me from doing it.
Additionally, on my second FNM this deck pulled first. I hit no super aggro decks which is this decks weakness. Took a tie to esper dragons and won everything else.
I traded some old cards for another goth angel Avacyn and put it in the deck for Nahiri's Machinations; it was sometimes great but not consistent.
I still want to do some more tweaking. I am thinking I would like to get some Anticipates in the mainboard and 3 or 4 Cleric of the Forward Order for the sideboard in case of aggro. Most of the time I do nothing but play land for the first two turns. I haven't changed the online deck to reflect how I want to get those in yet because I am not entirely certain. The inspector will be one but I still need to figure out some more culling.