MTG Combo: Buried Alive + Reanimate


Lilbrudder on Ding dong the Lich is dead

7 years ago

Phyrexian Devourer 2 card combo's with Jarad to kill the table.

Buried Alive + Reanimate also does amazing things with Phyrexian Devourer Triskelion and Necrotic Ooze.

Those are the most powerful cards for Jarad, but if you dont want to go the combo route let me know your goals for the deck and I can offer more appropriate suggestions

Lilbrudder on Is Thrasios Ban-able?

7 years ago

TheDevicer: Thank you for the in depth response. You definitely bring up some good points. After reading your post I can appreciate Tasigur enough to agree that in a political control/BUG storm build he is the better option. Having the ability to recur removal is very good and the BUG mana base is much kinder to High Tide. I maintain that this kind of build is his only niche anymore.

Thrasios+Tymna reanimator is a significant upgrade over Tasigur as the addition of bombs like Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite, creature based reanimation in Loyal Retainers, and additional tutors in Enlightened Tutor makes a big difference. Once you add Boonweaver Giant to the mix Thrasios+Tymna blows him out of the water. It allows you to play cards like Heliod's Pilgrim which grabs Animate Dead, Pattern of Rebirth and Power Artifact. Adding Angel of Glory's Rise allows you to assemble infinite mana combos (Trinket Mage grabbing LED & Auriok Salvagers) and boonweaver combo (Academy Rector and Cartel Aristocrat) with a simple Buried Alive + Reanimate . This is on average much easier to pull off than T&N as being 4 mana allows you to pack protection for the combo turn and run less ramp.

Thrasios also does Hermit Druid combo really well.

Dread Return into Angel of Glory's Rise reanimating Azami, Lady of Scrolls, Laboratory Maniac, and Grand Abolisher produces a rock solid win condition that BUG simply cannot match. This win condition also overlaps with Thrasios infinite mana combos as Basalt Monolith serves as a combo piece with both Power Artifact and Mesmeric Orb as a backup hermit druid enabler.

I think at the end of the day, despite thier similarities, Thrasios and Tasigur pilot very different decks. Tasigur is very much a viable tier 1 commander. There is just less reason to play him as a reanimator general (Thrasios+Tymna) or as a doomsday general (Leovold) anymore since better options have been printed for those archetypes.