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Not-Dragonborn on
8 years ago
You should try Call the Bloodline + Indulgent Aristocrat combo.
noblevegas on
RB Vampires Join the Revolt!
8 years ago
Foreboding Ruins has rarely been a problem. Since you can reveal any other land except another Foreboding Ruins or the one Evolving Wilds, you're almost certain to bring it in untapped. I have yet to play one ETB tapped in the first 3 turns. I am sure it will happen but so far it has not.
Smoldering Marsh does come in tapped about 15-25% of the time in the first 3 or 4 turns. Usually this is because I have it in hand with Foreboding Ruins and not enough basics. When it does come that way I use it for my Foreboding Ruins first so they can be ETB untapped. This buys me time to draw the basics I need. I usually get there but sometimes I just miss. Rarely slows down the deck though.
Languish has the potential to take out many of my creatures yes, but the idea here is for it to be a late-game boardwipe on my opponents in the first Main Phase leading into an Attack Phase with a large Drana, Liberator of Malakir or Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet, and/or Olivia, Mobilized for War. Each of these creatures has some way of getting or giving the counters and wouldn't need many to move out of Languish's range. There is also some assistance in the Call the Bloodline + Indulgent Aristocrat combo to feed this track as well as enable Madness at the same time - all for relatively little mana cost.
I would typically board in Languish against token generator decks or other weenie-type decks. Anything that attempts to "Go Wide" on me or generate fair-sized creatures with some sort of protection. While my deck has the capability of going wide, my primary focus is to actually go big with a couple creatures, clear out any obstacles, and smash away.
noblevegas on
Standard B/R Madness Vampires in SOI
8 years ago
Lose the Ravenous Bloodseekers, and go to a full playset of Asylum Visitor. I run BR Vampires myself and these guys do work. They are either targets for spot removal or late-game draw engines; Great flexibility and a solid T2 play. You do lose the Madness enabler, but it reduces the likelihood of your opponent blocking in hopes of trading up on a two-for-one in their favor.
Personally I am not sold on Incorrigible Youths, since at its best it clogs the 3-drop spot, and at worst gives you little help. I would take them out, go up on one Olivia, Mobilized for War (If your deck is focused on her ability you want to be sure you have her early enough), and add in another Lightning Axe. This smooths out your curve, increases odds of enabling Madness to a greater benefit, and adds one more removal spell - you will need it.
Stensia Masquerade is simply a "win bigger" card. If you have it out and are already winning it just helps you do that more. If you are losing, it's a dud. You only get advantage during your attack phase. Everywhere else, it does nothing. As well, Ob Nixilis Reignited only really helps when you are ahead. If you are behind, his +1 may draw you an answer but it likely just gets you closer to lethal from your opponent. His -3 only answers one threat and it's likely your opponent already has a way to respond - especially in white. Take both out for Ruinous Path. You're gonna see a lot of planeswalkers in GR and xB decks, best to be on the offensive and take them out. If they don't have PWs, it has flexibility for creatures, too.
Call the Bloodline + Indulgent Aristocrat makes for a great alternative answer against Aggro decks to buy you time for your bigger threats. I've won games with this when my Olivias and Drana, Liberator of Malakirs didn't draw up fast enough.
Finally, use Rending Volley in the SB. Bant-based and xW decks are going to be popular early because of the SCG tournaments, and the ability to kill a big threat without being countered is a boon. Any xW deck should see it and Self-Inflicted Wound come in immediately. Causes serious problems for them if you draw them early. Also, you have no idea how good it feels to hit a flashed-in Archangel Avacyn Flip with a Rending Volley before her ETB trigger resolves.
vvmk on
RB Vampires Join the Revolt!
8 years ago
Maybe side out Ruinous Path for Sinister Concoction. It seems costly at first but is much faster, can be cast at instant speed if already in play, and is a madness outlet for Fiery Temper (which can target planeswalkers if you really need to kill one).
I'm playing a similar deck with only 3 Olivia, she makes it to the board early every game. 4 copies feels like too many for a legendary.
I think I see where you're going with Call the Bloodline + Indulgent Aristocrat . Maybe find space for Stensia Masquerade or use those slots for something faster, possibly Olivia's Bloodsworn, or even Incorrigible Youths?
I haven't played with Avacyn's Judgment, but Lightning Axe is simply amazing. I may have paid the extra 5 one time in 10 games, and rarely does the discard not get cast for madness. (Fiery Temper + Lightning Axe for 2 red...)
I really like this deck though, good luck at game day!
here's mine if you want to take a look Why spill blood if not for the pleasure of it?