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Lilbrudder on
A Journey of Self Exploration
8 years ago
Im not sure what your thoughts are on infinite combos, but Sidisi has several good ways to mill her entire deck and produce infinite zombies since you run Ulamog.
Aphetto Alchemist + Mesmeric Orb
Cephalid Illusionist + Lightning Greaves and 1 other creature
Food Chain + Eternal Scourge for infinite mana to cast and exile sidisi until you have infinite zombies. Then Dread Return Craterhoof Behemoth for gg. This is the best combo for sidisi by far because it lets you cast any creature for free and it doesn't require sidisi to be in play first to produce infinite zombies.
As for singles Mirror-Mad Phantasm, Hedron Crab, and Hermit Druid are all great self mill options.
Lilbrudder on TheRedGoat
8 years ago
To elaborate on my earlier response I think Mirror-Mad Phantasm, Aphetto Alchemist + Mesmeric Orb and Cephalid Illusionist + Lightning Greaves would form a strong core of a casual sidisi mill deck.
Gates88 on
Commanders by Power Level [EDH Tier List]
8 years ago
Cephalid Illusionist + Lightning Greaves does not work as a combo without a second creature to move Greaves to. Since Cephalid will have Shroud while Greaves is on it, it will be an invalid target to reequip Greaves. However, Shuko does combo with Illusionist.
I can't believe I remember this stuff from that Extended deck from 10 years ago. Man I'm old.
Lilbrudder on
Commanders by Power Level [EDH Tier List]
8 years ago
Opps I forgot food chain doesnt scale with the commander tax. Either way a Drift of Phantasms Eternal Scourge and Food Chain package may be worth slots since with sidisi its essentially a 2 card combo. Moreover drift can tutor for Buried Alive and Victimize and Food Chain is just a good card in general. I personally would prefer it as a third enabler over Basalt Monolith + Mesmeric Orb or Cephalid Illusionist + Lightning Greaves
Lilbrudder on
Sidisi, Combo Tyrant
8 years ago
I like your take on sidisi. Other useful combos include Aphetto Alchemist + Basalt Monolith and Cephalid Illusionist + Lightning Greaves If you intend to go truly evil and win via combos I suggest you check out my decklist
A Heart Three Sizes Too Small (turn 2 win)
Commander / EDH*