MTG Combo: Chalice of the Void + Simian Spirit Guide


TheFoilAjani on Podcast Questions: What is your …

9 years ago

If the trend of Tron being hated out continues, the Eldrazi deck will have a really tough time. Most of the hate cards that destroyed Tron in the recent SCG Regional (I think it was a regional) severely hinder the eldrazi deck. BloodMoon, Crumble to Dust and Molten Rain all hurt the Eldrazi deck hard. Those cards alone hated out tron from top 8 (maybe top 16/32). It seems likely that the new meta will be too hostile for the Eldrazi deck.

That being said, both decks have the ability to adapt. Warping Wail counters Crumble and Rain. A new innovation from the CFB team is completely colourless with Chalice of the Void + Simian Spirit Guide for 1 drop hate. It almost ruins burn completely, almost shuts off TnN, shuts off hand attack, prevents bolts and birds.

Anyway, hope this take on it helps.