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Slyce on
Of Rats, Faes and Trolls
5 years ago
Yeah Doom Foretold would be a fun brew, but I think it would be too inconsistent. But why would Liliana, Dreadhorde General synergize with the troll negatively? Nonetheless I'm not sure if I would consider Liliana, since I'm trying to be more budget friendly. A token strategy would be a fun deck too, with Harmonious Archon , but he works badly with Hushbringer . As it seems right now I can't find a good shell for the Clackbridge Troll + Hushbringer combo
Slyce on
Of Rats, Faes and Trolls
5 years ago
@AroWolf thanks for your remark, should have read the card more carefully. Seems like I will have to change the deck. It started out with the Clackbridge Troll + Hushbringer combo and Piper of the Swarm (this one mostly for flavour).