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ginko2580 on
Identity Myratorium
8 years ago
Phyrexia's Core for your artifact's
or Thespian's Stage is there any reason you want to Abuse A Lands ability? good Question ...I think you should explore playing with lands ... it was what I did with my Myr's and Lands in the Deck.. Cloudpost + Glimmerpost + Thespian's Stage and also Darksteel Citadel's.... There is a land that makes your creatures unblockable (brainfart right now)
Yuri200X on
Green Tron Eldrazi Legacy
8 years ago
Tron isn't the best mono-land Ramp in legacy... there are lands that don't require this "gathering" such as Cloudpost + Glimmerpost or Cloudpost + Vesuva combination of lands... The weakness of tron in legacy is Wasteland, which sees play in way too many decks for Tron to bea thing in legacy.
Suggestions for your manabase: