MTG Combo: Composite Golem + Nim Deathmantle


Peoni on

4 years ago

Actually hadn't seen Deadly Rollick yet. I'll definitely do some testing with it to see if it proves to carry a lot of value, but the flexibility of Path and Swords is hard to beat. Worth it to check out though. I also didn't know about the Composite Golem + Nim Deathmantle combo, and while it's cool and could definitely be dirty in certain circumstances, I worry that it wouldn't be as consistent as the safe mana fixing that Skyshroud Claim and Kodama's Reach provide. Plus if one of your suggested combo pieces gets countered I don't have another chance, and if the Composite Golem gets countered I basically skipped my turn. I could give it a go but I'm pretty attached to green's ramp and fixing abilities, especially in 5 colors. Najeela, the Blade-Blossom is an interesting option that I might give a go, but I feel like I'd rather draw/tutor Aggravated Assault every time over her. Then again I've never touched her before, so maybe I'm not giving her enough credit. We'll see. Thanks for the suggestions! I'll toy around with them a bit. :^)

BMHKain on Asking for Help: A Quick …

5 years ago

WARNING: This is NOT TL;DR Material. I just wanted to confess, that's all.

11 Days later, My post directly above this one has 2 things outdated; but this is off-sync knowledge. Well, it's time for me to weigh in on my own sins...

After trying all I can to follow some rulings, it got SO awful so fast, & the amount lasting thus far has no end in sight. This'll be a long one; this will be a warning for those who bore too easily. First, Let's talk about enpc's behalf of the Addendums .

1st off: Rule 1: Be concise is broken. I try to the best of my abilities to be as simple to the point as possible; HOWEVER! I also have to add important to note info just to get a bigger grasp on; that, & out of all well known sources of Media ever; Dante's Divine Comedy seems to be the one thing anyone here is familiar with. But that's not saying much! I still know so many sources nobody else here even knows; Anime, or not. The problem is my intellect doesn't elicit Jealousy, but worse. For questions: I guess I'll have to watch what I type...

Rule 2: Is adding that much context that CAN help WRONG? What is your usual limit for appropriate context? I'm lowballing this, & saying "Just 1 sentence." as a direct guess. I apologize if that sounded very rude as w/ the whole post...

Rule 4: You see, this is where my Direct Point of Imperfection comes in. I make typos all the damn time; maybe it's my PC rotting my brain. Maybe it's WotC not taking a true chance on non-conformity! Where's our Real-World Guns? Where are Elves opposing all natural concept, & using technology? Hell, it's not like WotC is promoting Gun Violence; they've done worse already; & all of it is Magic.

Simply put; DO NOT see this as a TURNOFF. We all had that problem as children anyway; some, more than others... (SPOILER: I was one of them; even though such programs to make me learn as if I was a freak; & not Asperger's like now. What happened, QUANTUM LEAP!)

Rule 5: I was upset at someone so much, this could've had actually happened. I barely was able to find a good post at the time; revising crap No less than 7 times; yep, it was a damn Guilt Trip for me, & if you comment that Guilt Trips "Suck" in any form of grammar, well, moving on: I was just doing my own thing. That's wrong now?

Rule 6: What is the strict Max amount of questions that deserve something to prove? What BY ALL MEASS is TL;DR? Wait, let me Google this so I can enshame you all.

(Click Clack Moo. Not Available as you're searching on the Arpanet, or the Intranet.)

The internet says "Too Long; Didn't Read." Hmph! Well, someone told me to do only 200 characters MAX. How to fit the OP Line, 3 Questions, assuming that's the legal limit, & an Ending note? Bonus Points if you also include the NOTICE BEFORE QUESTION part in same 200 Unicode text.

Answer: You can't! Sometimes it might be more worth the cause to explain what one needs; for me: QUITE a lot, & NO RETALIATING.

Rule 7: It's surprising anyone is interested in my head in spite of knowing nothing of it. Truth? I HATE The Simpsons. I already did a minor reference to a great TV series known as QUANTUM LEAP. Ironically I use the "Click Clack Moo" reference as Loading Screen Emulation. It is a reference to the Children's Book "Click, Clack, Moo Cows that Type" written by Doreen Cronin, & even has critical acclaim; but only I know this reference here. Also, even Pokémon has a welcome place in Pop-Culture (Same for Digimon.). While everyone seems more versed to the Crap EN Dub of Pokémon, Anime-Wise, the JP Origin is what it should've been. Blame 4KIDS for an awful dub that kept getting worse even now. Maybe it's wise to watch the JP Dub to get a true reality check about the Anime?

That's as far as I can reach for known material the typical user here would know. The clarification of the original JP Version of "Pocket Monster" is stressful enough. Learning what you missed for 22 years, & we now have a new Protag? I hope he does some awesome things; The Galar region is stated to be an AWFUL Place to live...

Alright. Now to focus on Caerwyn's Supplemental Rulings:

Rule 1: While my temperament can be controlled, you already stated my Primary Mana Color is ; basically a Male Chandra. BUT, there was one thing unwritten. When someone snaps. Yep. IRL, I trigger ALOT. & I do this to prove a point; that everyone intentionally ignores. It's like I am nonexistent when I want my opinion across.

Rule 2: If this is about my Superfriends Deck still WIP, I am offended as well as Meek. "Why did you put Rowan Kenrith in this deck?" "Why put the Composite Golem + Nim Deathmantle combo in all your 5 Color Decks? Same for Happily Ever After ?" "Why do you not realize that Daretti, Ingenious Iconoclast , Rowan Kenrith , & Saheeli, Sublime Artificer are all AWFUL in Superfriends?!"

Answer: I already have an Engine for Wrenn and Six , & plan to add Oko, Thief of Crowns also. I'm trying to choose one of those three for Mass Artifice use. Problem? Nobody cares about a Defending Token, unless you're Teyo, the Shieldmage which means you have Hexproof also. There are ways to make sure only one Creature your opponents control can Attack or Block. Dueling Grounds , & (Unless you run Humility .) Silent Arbiter . But there are better options; since the player & their Walker army are now different choices to attack. I'm now trying to optimize my Superfriends deck so my creatures DON'T have to fear Humility & I can find a 2 card combo similar to Composite Golem + Nim Deathmantle . Yep, creatures are packing their bags as they find another place to go. I'd like some help, but that's for another time. Heck, Saheeli, Sublime Artificer might be better as a result; emulating Artifice as noncreature Tokens.

The question now is: When will I make a Creatureless Superfriends deck after so long? Cutting Happily Ever After though...

Rule 4: I try to learn (& remember) such advice; but, bottom line, my mind is on a Creatureless Superfriends Deck; a true Herculean Feat never done right. But when so many disprove my efforts to do things my way & why, I better be able to agree with at least someone. Absolute Fail if Caerwyn's Rule 2 does nothing at all. Are my counterpoints that sucky?

Rule 5: I recently started a folder for non-cEDH Commander Decks worth using. After getting what Sun's Champion had; I actually had nowhere to search; (I'd rather conventional CMDRs anyway), because the amount for even one card in a deck is included in OVER 5-Digit INSANITY. Nobody can search that well in, say, 5 MINUTES. Let's say, for instance, a CMDR Deck w/ a Conventional Commander had say, 1000 Decks on avg., per se. THAT'S ALOT TO GO THROUGH! Maybe someone from the Senior Staff can help on this? I can't resume w/o a better way to search for other Decks.


That's it, sadly. I didn't come here to rant or complain at all in the first place. All I ask is to know everything I'm flawed at (Albeit Improvable, or not.), & how to help against my biggest enemy: My Ego, SuperEgo, & Id; all Sigmund Freud crap. Basically, I already have one choice I did wrong:

A: Trying too hard.

After that, I'm literally in a void. Why did I say so much on this post? I'm literally at the point of being reduced to begging for answers. This post is LONG as crap on purpose; but I didn't post this so I get no APPROPRIATE Response, or TL;DR Trash. I posted this so I could get some answers. Was I rambling? Yes. But that too is also an important part of this post as there is some logic ignored by everyone on purpose. Before I end this Post, I'll try & find what went wrong & improve it.

(But, WOW. This is my biggest Text Wall ever... X/)

Zauk on Jodah, 5C Monstrosities

6 years ago

Composite Golem is really good. If you add Nim Deathmantle then you can get unlimited mana of any combination of color.

Composite Golem + Nim Deathmantle

Also Transguild Courier is and easy 5 counters for 4 colorless with your general.

LonelyOats on Tooth and Tron

7 years ago

Thanks man, I know tron kind of sucks right now but when i seen the interaction between Composite Golem + Nim Deathmantle I thought why not run a deck that doesnt NEED the Urzatron lands all the time to generate mana and wincons. Its a work in progress, but the deck has been showing promising results in online leagues so I'm hoping Tron will make a comeback and that a deck like this might be an eventual T1-1.5 deck with some tweaking.

Aztraeuz on By our powers combined...! (EDH Walkers)

8 years ago

With the inclusion Horde of Notions definitely adds a lot of value as the Commander. It allows you to cast Maelstrom Wanderer from your graveyard giving you as many Cascades as you can pay for.

Composite Golem + Nim Deathmantle creates infinite mana. Sacrifice Golem for the five mana, use four of that mana to use the Deathmantle ability. Rinse and repeat, producing one of whatever color you want each time you do it. This can create infinite mana of all five colors. Very helpful.

kengiczar on [Community Discussion]: Modern Chat

8 years ago

@ lemmingllama - I've started testing a mix of all of the combos, except Composite Golem + Nim Deathmantle , and I have to say having 4x Myr Welder and 4x Spellskite is wonderful.