MTG Combo: Crackdown Construct + Wandering Fumarole


DragonEleven on Infinite Thopters

7 years ago

I've been running the infinite thopter combo myself for a while... I've found Saheeli Rai to be particularly handy... her +1 can help find the combo pieces, her -2 can copy a Decoction Module, and if you add in a couple of Panharmonicon, her -7 can give you two of the four cards needed.

Running black just for Cut / Ribbons seems like a bit of a waste... if you want to add another win condition, you'd be better off sticking with your main colours. Personally, I like having Maverick Thopterist in there, as when combined with Panharmonicon + Reckless Fireweaver can rack up some heavy damage... and I've also got the Crackdown Construct + Wandering Fumarole combo as well. If I was to splash a third colour, I'd got with white... not only does it give you Fragmentize, but also cards like Cast Out and Declaration in Stone, both of which are great removal... and Anointer Priest is handy with the thopter combo as well. I'd also suggest Gideon's Intervention as a sideboard card... once you know what you're up against, it can easily shut down your opponents deck, and has proven extremely handy in other decks I've run it in.

As for your sideboard... Release the Gremlins isn't as useful now that Aetherworks Marvel has been banned, so could be cut down... I'd also suggest By Force as a cheaper alternative.You may also want to put some extra burn and counter spells in your sideboard so that you can rebalance against different decks... Negate isn't much use against creature-based decks, and Essence Scatter, Harnessed Lightning and Cut / Ribbons aren't much good against decks with hardly any creatures. Shock is good all-round burn, and Magma Spray is particularly good against zombies, while Turn Aside is handy against control decks, and Metallic Rebuke is a great counter spell for any artifact heavy deck.

Planeswalkers aren't that difficult to deal with... the damage from Reckless Fireweaver can be redirected to a planeswalker if necessary, and the same is true for the damage from Shock and the +1 ability of Saheeli Rai. And if you do splash white, then Cast Out and Gideon's Intervention can also deal with them in different ways.