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BobFromAccounting on
Jund Prized Dredge
8 years ago
Hey plusARGON, thanks for stopping by. Yeah, Vengevine has been trending up since around mid-May, luckily I got in on a playset on the cheap.
I like Dakmor Salvage for a couple of reasons, but I don't run it for a couple more. It's great against any deck that has maindeck/sideboard LD like Ghost Quarter or Fulminator Mage. It's dredgeable so even if you mill it you get it back, so very good there. The problem I have is that it ETB's tapped, and as aggro as this deck wants to be it needs immediate access to mana. In local meta LD engines like Crucible of Worlds + Ghost Quarter aren't prevalent, so based on your own meta, I'd go with what's appropriate, but for the way this deck runs, speed is life.
When I was running 4 colors I had played Hedron Crab over Stitchwing Skaab for more explosive reanimation. It is a solid card, there's definitely an argument for a Grixis dredge deck, though Vengevines are just soooo good. Depending on what drops in Eldritch Moon, I may revisit doing BUG zombies featuring Collected Company + Skaab Ruinator .
buildingadeck on Post Ban Mono Blue Tron …
9 years ago
Not only does Crucible of Worlds help you out in keeping your lands in play, but it can also win you games in the mirror match (v any Tron deck).
Here is a video of mine in which I pretty much win off Crucible of Worlds + Ghost Quarter . Feel free to watch all three games, but it doesn't happen until Game 3, which starts at ~43 minutes.