MTG Combo: Crucible of Worlds + Strip Mine

Latest Decks

EDH 39 / 8
The Abyss feature for Dark Oona.


defamagraphy1 on

4 years ago


Hit the nail on the head perfectly.

Damping Sphere is interesting, and any Storm deck will go straight for Chain of Vapor or Worse Hurkyl's Recall so it makes it super hard to rely on.

Defense Grid is interesting but very unnecessary. With so many cards to increase mana costs, you'll just bait the FoW

What about Crucible of Worlds + Strip Mine if you're not playing instant speed this is an auto include alongside Wasteland

Gidgetimer on Leovold, Emissary of Trest

8 years ago

Like I said in my first post, I expect a banning for EDH. With the number of tutors in black and blue that can find the Puzzle Box the consistency of hitting the lock on turn 4 is oppressive. After you have resolved both pieces your opponents can no longer play lands or cast spells other than those with flash or that are instants. This is only compounded by the fact that you are now cycling through your deck at an accelerated rate and can more easily find your wincons or the further lock of Crucible of Worlds + Strip Mine .

As far as legacy playability goes it is a little less good there. Smaller deck size and ability to run 4-of means that they will more readily be able to Force or Daze one of your pieces. The decks that don't play those cards will be able to destroy one of the pieces before the lock takes effect. I'm not saying it won't be playable, but it has a lot more to overcome than in EDH. Especially since you don't have guaranteed access to one of the pieces. I foresee play on a tier 2/3 level.

Pheardemons on Death isn't a finality. Let me show you true power

8 years ago

Thanks Ruffigan! Do you have any possible suggestions of cards to take out of the deck for those cards? And my thought process for extra lands per turn was obviously for card draw, but also for Crucible of Worlds + Strip Mine combination and even just playing lands from my graveyard as this is a dredge deck.

thegigibeast on Commanders by Power Level [EDH Tier List]

8 years ago


I will only comment on commanders I have faced before, so that my opinion will be valid.

Arcanis the Omnipotent is meh. Often have I seen a player use him instead of Azami, Lady of Scrolls just not to be a target from the begining of the game. He was winning when he was able to draw into Azami and cast her... Also, he costs a lot of mana, which can be difficult to obtain fast in mono-blue... You have to play a lot of mana rocks to accelerate fast in this color, and there would be far better choices if you go that way. I could see him go down to tier 3.

Azusa, Lost but Seeking is an amazing card. I mean, you play green, with a lot of ramp and land search. You will thin your deck a lot, getting at the same time much better draws. You will be able to get some big creatures really fast. There also is the Crucible of Worlds + Strip Mine lock to get rid of problematic lands quite easily. It's mono-green, so it's only problem is creature removal, but I'd say she is one of the best mono-green commanders and deserves her place in tier 2.

Ezuri, Claw of Progress seemed really good when he was spoiled, but up to now, I have never seen an optimized version of this deck. The best I faced was an infect build... But it was quite slow. It can only pump one creature a turn :/ There are still some nice combos available to it, such as Sage of Hours, but it is quite easy to disrupt, you just need to remove the good creature at the right moment. I don't think it is as powerful as Momir Vig, Simic Visionary, I could see him down to tier 3.

Memnarch would be in between 2 and 3, but I'd say it is more of a 3. He is quite slow to get running, even if once he is online it is a real pain in the ass for your opponents. Again, you need to run a lot of mana rocks to get it going, but it also requires blue mana to activate it's abilities, so even if you get the infinite colorless out of Basalt Monolith + Rings of Brighthearth , you need some colored sources also, so no infinity... I'd definitely say tier 3, even if strong tier 3.

Omnath, Locus of Mana playstyle is similar to Asuza, but I think he is more fragile. If you can get rid of Omnath, generally the rest of the deck is quite easy to deal with. They won't be able to keep the mana. Even if there are a lot of ways to protect him, it is mono-green so it cannot really answer those... I'd say down to tier 3.