MTG Combo: Curse of Exhaustion + Knowledge Pool

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Polupus on

8 years ago

you don't need both Aegis of the Gods & Leyline of Sanctity.

Also, I recommend going with Dovescape + Enduring Ideal combo over Starfield of Nyx of which you only need 1 copy. Cast enduring ideal, then fetch dovescape, now your opponent can't get rid of any of your enchantments since almost all enchantment removal is noncreature based and will be countered by dovescape. But you will get 7 doves per upkeep which will easily win you the game. With starfield, the opponent's creatures can still block and Wrath of God to destroy your prison walls.

1-2 Sphere of Safety can fit in the main deck. And some Stony Silence belongs in the side along with Defense Grid to combat blue counters. Oblivion Ring is a must in main. You don't need to splash for Detention Sphere as tokens are worthless against Ghostly Prison. Also 4x Enduring Ideal is overkill and will slow you down in the early setup portion of the game. Stasis Snare and Journey to Nowhere are better enchantment options, but if you find you need additional creature removal throw in a few Wrath of God and Path to Exile.

I've seen a bunch of pillow fort decks try the Curse of Exhaustion + Knowledge Pool combo to completely lock out an opponent if you're interested in that route.

Check out this deck for ideas:

You'll need to be good to escape THIS prison!

Modern GeminiSpartanX


TheHelvault on OP Deck Needed

9 years ago

You want to make people cry? Run .

Knowledge Pool + Rule of Law /Curse of Exhaustion + Knowledge Pool . Both of these combos will shut decks down. The only difference is that with Knowledge Pool out, Rule of Law will shut down every spell from every deck, but with Curse of Exhaustion you can pick what deck you want to stop, which will usually be your new friend's deck. If you need a deeper explanation on that combo, just let me know XD.

TheLivingCME on Gimmicky rogue decks

9 years ago

Oh, there are tons of decks you could try!

There's the Polymorph deck, for example! Play no creatures except some big dudes like Emrakul and tons of tokens maker, then target one with Polymorph and win with your fatties.

Then I found somewhere a list of an Eggs deck that used Faith's Reward instead of Second Sunrise. It's surely worth a try.

Another nice call is the "land control" deck, which uses cards like Annex, Dream Leash and Wildfire to disrupt the opponent's mana base.

Finally, one last deck you could experiment with is the one which exploits the hard lock of the combo Curse of Exhaustion + Knowledge Pool .

Happy brewing!

TheHelvault on I Can't Feel My Own Burn

9 years ago

Okay, you should totally run the Curse of Exhaustion + Knowledge Pool combo. You already run Pariah + Stuffy Doll which I Love to see. You could totally shut down a deck with that.

Darksteel Ingot should be Seer's Lantern. You have a good enough manabase to take the scry 1 over the mana fixing from the Ingot.

Inquisitor's Flail equipped to Gisela would be so stupid it wouldn't even be funny, so I suggest you run that XD. She would deal 20 damage per swing. That's insane in commander. 20 damage, and first strike, and flying. That will kill all the Eldrazi Titans if they miraculously manage to block you, and more often than not, you're going to hit someone in the face for 1 less than lethal. Also, run Dragon Mantle or some other firebreathing effect, those would be great in your deck.

TheHelvault on Ajani Deck help

9 years ago

Can you use planeswalkers as commanders now? I didn't think you could. Generally, it's always legendary creatures.

If the rule changed and I just now found out, then great :D

I would run Curse of Exhaustion + Knowledge Pool , which would completely shut down the most fearsom deck on the board. You're running white, so you should be able to exile almost anything. Path to Exile, Swords to Plowshares, and Condemn are quintessential.