MTG Combo: Dakmor Salvage + Raven's Crime


Jedne2 on Set Phasers to Stun

8 years ago

I forgot to add,

Dakmor Salvage + Raven's Crime is a nice combo

Polupus on Faux Pox

8 years ago


Endless Whispers is interesting. It would keep Necroplasm sweeping, but eventually it would sweep back through all the creatures it killed again, making it this 3 turn slow wave where all creatures under 3cmc just change allegiances, giving my opponent periods of extreme board advantage. Also with Knowledge Pool out and some of my instant kill spells in there, the opponent could potentially get their creatures back that way. Just a big mess and Necroplasm is pretty vital against tokens, so I can't really remove it. It's cleaner with Beacon of Unrest and sniping their creatures out of Knowledge Pool.

I've tried Smallpox in this list before. It's an awkward fit with this high of a mana curve. More suited to really low curve control decks like 8-rack.

I'm on the fence with Phyrexian Arena. This deck does benefit from the extra draw power. I'm not sure how it would play out if it was caught in Knowledge Pool. I was fiddling with it when I was trying to get an instant speed discard lock with Nightmare Void (throwing it into the pool on your turn, then on their draw step, playing Darkblast to play Nightmare Void at instant speed, then with Phyrexian Arena I can dredge back Nightmare Void and another copy of Darkblast to repeat it -- ultimately decided Dakmor Salvage + Raven's Crime was better since letting them cast a spell lets me steal it or hurt them.) However it does give my opponent the opportunity to build up enough card advantage to play 2 spells a turn and get something out if I can't get the arena on the field before the pool. Right now Grim Reminder is the biggest double-edged sword in the deck.

Bovine073 on Wasted Madness

8 years ago

It's a no on the robber fly. Megrim is ok for sure, especially if you don't want to run The Rack or Shrieking Affliction. I think run Megrim as a 3 or 4 of, because it stacks with both itself and Liliana's Caress. Dakmor Salvage + Raven's Crime is a guaranteed discard every turn. You need 21 lands I would think, maybe 22.

Now that I know you won't be running the rack or affliction, Reforge the Soul as a 1-of. That into Dark Deal with any of the enchantments on the battlefield is basically GG. Dream Salvage as a 2x of. I say no Rotting Rats, instead there is Blackmail, Duress, Despise, or if you want to get expensive, Thoughtseize or Inquisition of Kozilek. Up 1 more Faithless Looting, out both Tormenting Voice this is because you need more 1 drops, and becaus eif you discard looting you can still use it later.

Alms down one, avacyn's judgement down two. Ideally no creatures, I think. Blightning as a 4-of. I think 4 or so removal cards MB, whether this be Lightning Bolt, Terminate, Dreadbore, or Dark Withering, I am not sure.

Wurmlover on R/B Burn/Discard

8 years ago

First off, use Chalice of Life  Flip instead of Elixir of Immortality. second, either have sorceries do the discarding, or have the creatures do it. third, for discard, use Dakmor Salvage + Raven's Crime . And also, when posting for deck help, it would be good to post your actual deck in the forum.

AndWelcomeToTheJam on H8te Rack

8 years ago

Dakmor Salvage + Raven's Crime soft-locks the opponent out of a hand.

Howltooth Hollow it pretty easy to trigger in 8-Rack.

AndWelcomeToTheJam on H8te Rack

8 years ago

Dakmor Salvage + Raven's Crime soft-locks the opponent out of a hand.

Howltooth Hollow is pretty easy to trigger in 8-Rack.


9 years ago

DarkLaw - I considered Tasigur's Cruelty a good bit when I threw it all together. I might try it out a bit on XMage. I hesitated because of Raven's Crime, but I suppose I could fill quickly enough to keep Tasigur's Cruelty from using one up. However you also have to consider that having them discard two later in game is going to be fairly useless if my deck has been functioning correctly. I'd rather have a two mana discard two than a six mana one, but if I've been playing out spells I guess that's also irrelevant. Idk. I'll toy with both.

Ohthenoises - I still don't see the competitive value of Darkblast, save for against Naya Burn or Hatebears, but those decks aren't as present in the meta lately, at a national level or my local level. And when you consider affinity I'd rather just nuke all of the artifacts.

To be fair, the Ensnaring Bridge will take care of a majority of aggro decks, and finding one isn't difficult by any means, especially with the Infernal Tutors. Even if they bring in artifact removal I have the Infernal Tutor to bring in more or the lands to bring back artifacts.

The only true tactical point I see to Darkblast going in is to dig through your deck via graveyard faster and bring in the Dakmor Salvage + Raven's Crime combo. I'm not arguing, rather just stating what I see to make sure that I'm not missing something important. As far as kill spells go there are better options available. But if I can leave everything in place then kill spells don't see quite as relevant, especially with Splinter Twin out of the game.

As for Waste Not, I see your point, however there isn't a single card in this deck I wouldn't be playing instantly. If I draw a land I'm going to use it as fodder to Raven's Crime. If I can't then it goes into play. Pack Rat is also a solid option I considered during build, but I ultimately liked not having to rely on any creatures. I may put two of him in the side as a more aggressive option. Something else to consider.

Thanks for the thoughts and suggestions guys!

I'm debating splashing white to make room for Suppression Field side tech as that would help keep combo madness decks in check (Blue Tron, Gruul Tron, Melira Combo, Affinity, and multiple other decks that rely on activations would be severely stunted - not to mention making fetchlands cost 2 to crack.)

Having Suppression Field and Ensnaring Bridge in play seems far too good. Granted Ensnaring Bridge would stunt my Lily and artifact lands, but against some of those vicious combo decks like Melira Combo, I think it'd be worth it.