MTG Combo: Dark Deal + Sphinx's Tutelage


LiveBacteria on First attempt at a mill deck

8 years ago

Idk much about Zombies, but if you are running tutelage mill, then grab Alhammarret's Archive. Also, not to change your Zombie theme, you should turn to thopters and the like for more draw, since you are already running investigate aka artifact count.

You should switch out Pore Over the Pages for Artificer's Epiphany, again due to Artifact count.

Note that Fate Reforged isn't standard legal anymore. Maybeboard Fascination is a no go, for modern you could run Dark Deal + Sphinx's Tutelage combo. For standard, you can get the same effect but more often with Forgotten Creation which is in.

Since you a are running Dimir you should space in a Dark Petition to pull out a necessary card, ie: Sphinx's Tutelage.

I know this might be a bit disruptive to your decks theme, Thing in the Ice  Flip might be good.

Also, since you have creature Gen you could throw in one or two Westvale Abbey  Flip's.