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![Lord Windgrace feature for Terrenos de Don Windgrace [Retired]](
DeinoStinkus on
How to lose your friends (Kozilek Edition)
2 years ago
With the amount of land tutors being available in this deck, have you considered using the Dark Depths + Thespian's Stage combo?
Also, Sol Talisman, Mox Tantalite, and Mox Opal would be good for the deck.
nuperokaso on
BUG Snow Depths
3 years ago
The deck has multiple reasonable game plans:
Assemble the Dark Depths + Thespian's Stage combo quickly and steal the game.
Play a creature that scales up with the number of snow permanents, such as Abominable Treefolk, and win in two hits.
Grind long game with card advantage using cards like Scrying Sheets, Dead of Winter, Glacial Revelation or Blood on the Snow + Eternal Witness .
PikaPrince on
3 years ago
Thanks for your suggestions Epicurus! I did overlook Crop Rotation when I was building as I thought it wasn't worth wasting a permanent slot, but I think that I'll definitely give Elvish Reclaimer a try, as the effect is very powerful. Do you think a Dark Depths + Thespian's Stage Combo could be added?
I put in the infinite combo as I found that in my first iterations of this list I didn't have many win conditions, I also try to avoid them when possible.
My playgroup generally dislikes Storm Cauldron effects which is why I tried avoiding stuff like Contamination and Smokestack . Thanks for the suggestion though, first time seeing the card and I will definitely try it out sometime in a different deck :)
CastleSiege on
4 years ago
DivineKhaos Dark Depths + Thespian's Stage was never really worth it in the play testing I did with it.
TheSimikBOat on Advertise your LEGACY deck!
6 years ago
Hey people this is my deck:
Crazy Nic Fitted Depths
It's a NicFit deck that uses the Dark Depths + Thespian's Stage combo and Spellseeker!
I hope you like it.
mikaeustheinfinite on
Lord Windgrace Combo
6 years ago
Here I am from reddit with my critique:
- You need more mana doublers Mana Reflection/Mana Flare/Heartbeat of Spring/Regal Behemoth
- You need more tutors Sidisi, Undead Vizier/Demonic Tutor/Vampiric Tutor
- Add Squandered Resources in case you dont have Dwarven Ruins also allows combo with Nykthos and 5 devotion
- Add Dark Depths + Thespian's Stage combo
- replace mana dorks with land based ramp Wayward Swordtooth/Wood Elves
- Add Woodland Bellower to tutor Eternal Witness/Lotus Cobra/Tireless Tracker/Wayward Swordtooth/Ramunap Excavator also add in Reclamation Sage to add artifact removal to that list
elgosu1337 on
Windgitrogborygnath Vaevixilis
6 years ago
SufferFromEDHD Dark Depths + Thespian's Stage is too weak compared to my other combos since it only does 20 damage to one player a turn later. Rather than Creeping Renaissance I'm using The Gitrog Monster and Dakmor Salvage so Borborygmos has unlimited fuel. Also this is an all-permanents deck for Primal Surge, so Creeping Renaissance wouldn't work well with it.
lumberjackpatty on
7 years ago
Icy Manipulator + Winter Orb = you get your lands untapped on your turns. Dark Depths + Thespian's Stage = free Marit Lage. Dark Depths + Vampire Hexmage = free Marit Lage. Dark Depths + Solemnity = free Marit Lage. plus solemnity prevents you from putting age counters on your cumulative upkeep cards keeping the upkeep at the original price.Basalt Monolith + Paradox Engine + Voltaic Key it may not be infinite mana, but its plenty to cast everything you have in your hand.