MTG Combo: Dark Depths + Vampire Hexmage

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lumberjackpatty on

7 years ago

Icy Manipulator + Winter Orb = you get your lands untapped on your turns. Dark Depths + Thespian's Stage = free Marit Lage. Dark Depths + Vampire Hexmage = free Marit Lage. Dark Depths + Solemnity = free Marit Lage. plus solemnity prevents you from putting age counters on your cumulative upkeep cards keeping the upkeep at the original price.Basalt Monolith + Paradox Engine + Voltaic Key it may not be infinite mana, but its plenty to cast everything you have in your hand.

UpsetYoMama on Who's a Heretic Now

7 years ago

This looks like a blast to play! (and not play against lol). Just throwing a couple of ideas out there for you to consider.

I love that you have Dark Depths + Vampire Hexmage , that's always a fun one. Have you thought about adding Triskelion to go with Mikaeus, the Unhallowed?

I assume that Diabolic Intent often just works better in your deck than Demonic Tutor, but Demonic Tutor does seem more powerful than Beseech the Queen, unless I am missing something. Vampiric Tutor is also awesome.

Toxic Deluge is probably the strongest black board wipe and I think you should be playing it. Perhaps over Crux of Fate?

Leyline of the Void doesn't have good synergy with Rise of the Dark Realms. Has that come up in play before?

You're playing a lot of tokens and AEther Snap seems like it would rot in your hand a lot since you don't want to nuke yourself. I see in the description that it does reset Infernal Darkness, but is it worth it?

Shizo, Death's Storehouse is always a great utility land in black. Just a few thoughts.

Hjaltrohir on

8 years ago

Hi there,

To be honest it just looks like you've thrown every single wincon and combo you could think of, such conglomerations tend not to be coherent as a whole. I would focus in on one or two combos/wincons and fill the rest of the slots with ramp, card draw, control and removal, to assemble and protect your wincon. I would also consider integrating the commander into the deck and chosing a combo that she could help with, for example infect or Dark Depths + Vampire Hexmage .

Also you only have 11 lands :P