MTG Combo: Dark Depths + Vesuva

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WeabooKing on Klothys, The Goddess of No land

5 years ago

Whirlwind_2100 I would say the combo Dark Depths + Vesuva is one of the best wincon in this deck

for really good budjet cut ill defenetly remove Wheel of Fortune for Reforge the Soul / Tireless Tracker for a Llanowar Elves / Blood Moon can also just be remove for a basic land if your playgroup dont play alot of non basicland! You could also switch the Shock and crack land for basic since this is a 2 colors deck this should not affect you that much! Hope this comment helped you (sorry for my poor english)

Alpenkeks on gitrog monster dredge fun

8 years ago

Hi, i am not EDH Player so maybe some cards i post are banned there.

I think a bit more value fixing is need (additional land drops). Things like:

And now things to get value out of the land drops:

And all Fetchlands. Amazing whit Gitrog