MTG Combo: Dark Ritual + Entomb + Exhume

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Tyrant-Thanatos on 8-drops

8 years ago

Same applies to Ashen Rider imo. Assuming both players get an 8-drop simultaneously as the game starts, Rider would trigger ETB and exile the opponent's choice, assuming it doesn't have hexproof/shroud, Ulamog's Crusher included. Griselbrand would have a chance to activate in response, but without a Spellbook/Reliquary Tower it'd all just be dumped into the grave and you'd leave yourself crippled of life while I still hold a 5/5 flying.

It all kind of depends on how/when these 8-drops hit the board, and what kind of format. I mean if we're talking Vintage and/or Casual then most of this is irrelevant really, it'd all ride on the other cards you have. I mean really you can get an 8-drop legitimately on turn one that way via good old Dark Ritual + Entomb + Exhume .