MTG Combo: Dark Supplicant + Scion of Darkness

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MadF on

9 years ago

Play tested it only once. Maybe I've missed something when analyzing the cards.
I don't see how this works, given that you've only 7 creature cards that you can play in turn 3-4. A simple goblin deck has you almost beaten by then.

I've boosted speed in Call of Demons by adding clerics and reducing the number of actual Demon cards. Dark Supplicant + Scion of Darkness may not be a Demon combo strictly speaking but it fits the theme and gets you started with some cheap cards.
Alternatively think about adding more Dark Rituals and/or a Reanimator combo Animate Dead + Buried Alive .

Good control cards Cabal Therapy + Surgical Extraction + Thoughtseize aren't exactly budget but an effective way to buy time. Budget alternatives might be Duress.

I do recognize that it's a casual deck, however you said you wanted to "make it more competitive". Right now, my impression of it is a show-case of mana intensive creatures you'll never get on the battlefield unless playing against a deck with the same "concept".