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TheMagicMafia on
Porphory Mill
6 years ago
I'm building a similar deck and I think you should consider adding either Darksteel Citadel + Ensoul Artifact (Ensoul Artifact, Darksteel Citadel), Thassa, God of the Sea, or another indestructible creature to pair with the Porphyry Nodes. Also, you'll need some way to deal with decks that like cards in their graveyard and cards like Emrakul, the Aeons Torn. I really like the idea of a Whir of Invention + sideboard artifacts (Relic of Progenitus, Damping Sphere, etc.) package.
Argy on
6 years ago
I just realised you don't have Ensoul Artifact, or Darksteel Citadel.
Ensoul Artifact + Ornithopter gives you a 5/5 flier on Turn 2.
Darksteel Citadel + Ensoul Artifact gives you a 5/5 Indestructible Creature on Turn 2.
Add Ghostfire Blade to either of those, and things get impossible for your Opponent.
Then, if you also add Chief of the Foundry, that is even worse. It also turns Ornithopter on.
Foundry Inspector makes trouble hit the board even earlier.
Tortuous_TG18 on 8 slots up for grabs
8 years ago
Tezzeret the Seeker is a solid card to fish out those OP artifacts as well as make cretures out of every artifact you control (Mycosynth Lattice being present makes this ability literally broken.). Whirler Rogue would be solid to give a bunch of artifact creatures unblockable. Personally, I like Darksteel Citadel + Ensoul Artifact combo because a T2 5/5 with indestructible is amazing in just about any game mode. Since you run Mycosynth Lattice, I'd highly recommend running Darksteel Forge to make sure everything of yours isn't destroyed. A fun combo that I've used is to make infinite mana, involving Basalt Monolith + Power Artifact . Power Artifact by itself is pretty good, so I'd definitely add it to the decklist.Arcum Dagsson is a perfect fit if you're running Thopter populate, because you can target yourself so that you can tutor any artifact in your deck and put it INTO PLAY. Broken, much? Hope this helps, and good luck!
TMBRLZ on Lupine Prototype in Affinity?
8 years ago
Good point rothgar13.
Darksteel Citadel + Ensoul Artifact was slightly hard to argue with. Path to Exile it? Okay, sure. I'll go get a land to replace my land. Only downside is the loss of artifact.
But that downside plus the fact that you're spending two mana on something besides Cranial Plating makes it bad enough for the deck.
I think Affinity is pretty well solved for now. And I'm sure Wizards will be very careful not to make anything else that supports it for a while. I think they want it's long time in the charts to dwindle away, at least for now.
Pheardemons on
9 years ago
Counterspell isn't modern legal. Just thought you should know that.
Also I believe Fabricate should be in here to make sure you get the artifacts you need. Also why not possibly add in Mycosynth Golem. With Chief Engineer he could be easier to cast, then making Memnarch and all other artifact creatures that much easier to cast (should be no more than two with all of the artifact cards that you play). I know that you said budget so I don't know if this card is too much, but Master of Etherium seems like a good beater, while also increasing your other artifacts. Another good combo is Darksteel Citadel + Ensoul Artifact . Indestructible 5/5 on turn two is extremely hard to beat.