MTG Combo: Darksteel Forge + Mycosynth Lattice


TheRedGoat on The Pillowest Fort Possible

8 years ago

I'm sorry to be "that guy", but you technically don't actually need anything more than 2 of your listed cards to lock the game. Those being Mycosynth Lattice + Stony Silence . Between the two, all cards are artifacts with nothing but some triggered effects and maybe bodies/combat abilities that can block your creatures. Because that set up locks out mana for each player, all you've created is a stalemate scenario that proceeds until you've attacked the opponent to death with your indestructible artifact creatures.

The only way any of this lock can be stopped is if you played it out card by card and assumed that some parts of the lock simply aren't in play.

To me a better way to format this page would be to list the cards that defeat specific lock combos, such as how Bonds of Mortality and a powerful burn spell can get around the indestructibility of the Darksteel Forge + Mycosynth Lattice set up. But at the same time, most if not all burn spells you would be able to abuse are instantly shut down by Gaddock Teeg. Even if you assumed to have March of the Machines and somehow got multiple copies of Elesh Norn, pretty much all cards you would use to obtain that scenario are stopped just by him unless you assume he isn't in play, and thus does not need to be played around.

This isn't a bad concept, it just feels a little too generic in your "challenge" you issue, so I would design some specific parameters for it. I also apologize if I sound a little angry with my rant, as I do realize this is all in good fun, but I'm also usually ticked off with "no win" or "nobody wins" scenarios.

hcaselli on Really Dissapointed in MTG

8 years ago

Sometimes we play EDH here in my city, and since there are very high leveled players, we usually laugh of those locks. The common joke is "1. Beat XXX (a well known player); 2. Beat the players which are using blue; 3. Beat Daretti players (me included); 4. Start the politics".

It may look unreasonable, but since all of us have different decks, we bring out different games just because, if we always use the same decks, that makes things unfair and less fun that it should be. One day a Daretti player used Krenko as a Commander, just for hiding the planeswalker and sneaked through a solid win. After that, we started to use different and weird Commanders, and after we stopped because that turned into a obvious thing. All in all, fun's the golden rule, and we're having lots of it even with some salt.

Last week I threw Blightsteel Colossus + Lightning Greaves and Darksteel Forge + Mycosynth Lattice with two mono-colored Commanders on the board, just after they used Damnation and Wrath of God. That's the kind of salt we face.

TheRedGoat on Thundercats! HOOOOO!

8 years ago

Sigil of Valor could fit in somewhere. Also, why no Enlightened Tutor?

Lastly, I really feel you need Darksteel Forge + Mycosynth Lattice and/or Elspeth, Knight-Errant as a combo (as opposed to just running Avacyn). But besides one Elspeth for another idk where to make such a cut.

HonkStonk on Emrakul's Brood

8 years ago

Metalworker is banned in this format. However you could use the old Darksteel Forge + Mycosynth Lattice combo.

Omeros on Alurin' Meren

8 years ago

Planechase game tonight vs. Avacyn (Boardwipes/Control), Sen Triplets, Edric Spymaster (1/1 flyers spam, removal), and Tasigur (Control).

I've never seen so many board wipes and targeted removal spells get tossed out in a short time. Give myself a few bonus points for using Krosan Grip on an O-ring to return Avacyn-player's Elesh Norn to play to clear out a horde of flyers and Thada Adel, Acquisitor that was about to steal Darksteel Forge + Mycosynth Lattice from the Sen Triplets player's library. Nearly found my value win by saccing Mindslicer, put Meren in play and was going to return Mikaeus the next turn but Sen Triplets got the Lattice out and used Austere Command on artifacts. Two very lucky Planechase chaos triggers later, that player got to put 6 basic lands into play from library and won off that head start.

Steelspike on Commander suggestion help please!

9 years ago

Karn, Silver Golem as commander.

Darksteel Forge + Mycosynth Lattice is really neat to throw out there. Only exile can get rid of your stuff, and there's only a few mass exile cards out there.

DocMockingbird on Sydri Artifact Animator

9 years ago

Initial thoughts: Tinker is banned unfortunately (and all of us artificers think that sucks, but a Thopter token for a Blightsteel Colossus is probably why), and I can only assume that isn't an accurate manabase.

Since you have 2 of the pieces already, Darksteel Forge + Mycosynth Lattice , why not throw in Nevinyrral's Disk? I'm also a fan of Caltrops because it will kill anything coming at you when you animate it and give it Lifelink and Deathtouch with Sydri.

As you've said, Darksteel Forge is absolutely critical in many cases. You may want some other tutors such as Fabricate or if your budget allows, Demonic Tutor and Enlightened Tutor

In my experience, Kuldotha Forgemaster is only really good when you can abuse it, such as its combo with Thopter Assembly or Sword of the Meek + Thopter Foundry . If you have enough recursion it could work though.

Myself, I really like using infinite combos with Sydri, so my deck might not be your cup of tea. The premise I use: I will go infinite at some point, but I don't know how and I don't know what I'll use to win (deck then with Blue Sun's Zenith for 100? Zap to death with an animated Staff of Nin? Wall of indestructible Thopters? Or classic drop building on them with Sydri and artifact beatdown). It might give you some ideas besides the combos, I'll link it So Metal