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libraryjoy on New Casual Play Deck Ideas???
4 years ago
So here are a couple of ideas I've run in the past. You may want to make adjustments, but here's a place to start:
Mono-white combo Inviolability + Palace Guard or Inviolability + Wall of Glare . My deck purposely has some fragility built in because of not wanting to completely demolish my meta. With a bigger budget and some adjustments, I think this deck could be what you want it to be.
Green-white Assault Formation combo: Daru Spiritualist + Nomads en-Kor or Outrider en-Kor + Task Force create a creature with infinite toughness and allow you to redirect damage from other blockers to that creature. Any Assault Formation-type effect allows you to attack with them. Again, this is super budget and intentionally a little brittle, but you could easily beef it up for a more competitive meta.
Hold the Line - Casual 3-turn Win for <$10
Mono-white Life gain Angels: This deck uses Angelic Accord to pump out Angels while continually gaining life. It does well in a multi-player environment, because you can sometimes be gaining 15 life as it goes around the table. The biggest weakness is card draw. Again, super budget, but with room for improvement.
None of these are exactly what you wanted, but hopefully will spark your deck-building creativity! Good luck!