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PirateCptAstera on
Kiora's Monster Menagerie - Oathbreaker
4 years ago
Deepglow Skate + Ghostly Flicker work really well together. Or if you want to do it multiple times: Deepglow Skate + Deadeye Navigator.
Currently building a deck focused on token generation and getting planeswalker ults off myself. Some things in my deck may be of use to you: Hoarding Treasure: Pirate Oathbreaker
BlackSirius on
Animar hydra deck
5 years ago
Check out adding Lighthouse Chronologist and Combat Celebrant . If you get Celebrant I would pick up a Kiora's Follower . If you get Chronologist I would look into getting Deepglow Skate , and since you're there you could do Deadeye Navigator + Deepglow Skate . These 5 cards with an Ancestral Statue wins me games with my Animar deck