MTG Combo: Defenders of Humanity + Exterminatus

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FAIRxPOTAMUS on Deck Space marine

1 year ago

Here’s a few combos I’ve made.

Inquisitorial Rosette + Zephyrim Inquisitorial Rosette + Thunderhawk Gunship Defenders of Humanity + Exterminatus Belisarius Cawl + Talisman of Dominance

Inquisitorial Rosette might be your best friend. I like that you have Marneus Calgar . I would suggest Belisarius Cawl , Defenders of Humanity is good for when you need tokens in a pinch. Thunderhawk Gunship is nice. Ultramarines Honour Guard boost everything. Another card you could try to find is The Flesh is Weak since it buffs your guys and puts -1s on your opponent’s guys.

I’m not sure how Sol Ring Brainstorm or Dark Ritual are fitting into the theme. Space marines are the “good guys” (not really everybody’s a prick in 40k) and these spells are linked to the ruinous powers of chaos and xenos. Very anti-imperial. You could go full blown chaos with this deck alternatively. There’s plenty of chaos space marine cards including Abaddon the Despoiler , Lucius the Eternal , Tallyman of Nurgle , Dark Apostle , and more. Hallowed Fountain and Watery Grave are okay mechanically but I’m preferring to use the special lands from the 40K block. Take a look at Arcane Sanctum

Check out my deck if you like. I’ll leave the link below. I’m always looking at it and appreciate feedback so feel free to comment. Happy wizarding out ther.. er.. um.. I mean.. The Emperor Protects!