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Saintamus on
Tree of Choices
8 years ago
shadowcaster Yeah that's what I was thinking, purely for surviving until I can whip out a combo. But any idea what to replace for them??
DashtheDestroyer Cheers man :) It's like the worst gift ever right XD Considering maybe even not using the whole Tree of Perdition + Triskaidekaphobia and instead subbing them out for more to help with finding and using Demonic Pact + Harmless Offering . Not sure which would be easier to get through.
DashtheDestroyer on
Tree of Choices
8 years ago
+1 for sure!!! This is awesome!! Let me just give you my Demonic Pact + Harmless Offering
You lost the game... Sorry!
JJStudios on
Tree of Triskaidekaphobia
8 years ago
Ive been brewing a similar Trisk deck, now that Tree of Perdition has been spoiled, and I find that going the aggro/midrange route seems to work a little better than control. This would probably require a complete revamp of the deck, and I don't want to push this on you, but it truly does seem to work better.
Most standard decks nowadays will be running at least a couple pain lands, If not playsets. If someone gets just one of these out, there goes your wincon. You are left with a couple drain spells and some removal. However, if you have a heavy board presence, and can continue to put pressure on them, then leaving that painland up for a turn could be fatal for them. Plus, if your running an aggro deck and your opponent goes below 13 (and you are draining them for 1 every turn), they are pretty much dead anyway.
Anyways, if u wanna stick with control, I suggest adding red for two reasons:
Demonic Pact + Harmless Offering as an alternate wincon if they are running painlands (this combo works great in an aggro deck as well).
Kolaghan's Command, Fiery Impulse, and Goblin Dark-Dwellers are all stars in control decks.
As a final note, please add Soul Separator, it can be bonkers if a tree finds its way to the graveyard.
EDIT: Also add Ob Nixilis Reignited.