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MrKillStar on
4 years ago
Some good stuff! :D
First of all, I would probably just cut Gauntlet of Power/Caged Sun - mana doubling is nice, but for that mana and before it pays for itself, you could already cast some threatining spells/creatures. Black itself has already a lot of cards that can ramp pretty fast (+Gauntlet will double the mana of opponent's swamps aswell) and this doesnt really looks like some big token army deck to benefit from the +1/+1 buffs.
I'm personally not a big fan of Unstable Obelisk. Permanent removal in black is nice for sure, but for 7 (10) mana its kinda expensive I would say. And as a mana rock, its not a good one, since it wont give you . You should have already more than enough mana, especially with Crypt Ghast, Nirkana, other cheap mana rocks and a lot of lands (copyign Cabal Coffers ftw), you could just play Feed the Swarm as another enchantment/creature removal.
Some upgrades?
1) Tormod, the Desecrator - there is just few cards that trigger Tormod, but I would recommend Tortured Existence with Phyrexian Altar so you can make infinite etb/die/sac triggers. With something like Desecrated Tomb, which is just another option instead of Tormod, you can make infinite tokens aswell. I run that combo in my Syr Konrad's For the Void deck and it works great.
2) Bolas's Citadel - Citadel is just sooooo good :D You already have Gray Merchant of Asphodel + few free sac outlets (Ashnod's Altar/Woe Strider). If you add Mortuary, you can make infinite etb of Merchant, sac, life-gain and infinite colorless mana. With Phyrexian Altar instead of Ashnod's Altar, Haunted Crossroads is also an option (sac Merchant with Phyrexian altar to pay for Haunted Crossroads cost). Its kinda junky combo, but hey, as long as it works... :D
3) Twilight Prophet - I really like this card, I'll need to somehow make a space for it in my Syr Konrad deck aswell. In combination of the previous engine - Desecrated Tomb + Phyrexian Altar + Tortured Existence
and Shadows of the Past, you can "tutor" for anything in your library to get the best value out of Twilight Prophet. Especially if you run aristocrat cards aswell. Also, Shadows of the Past with the engine is 10/10 for the Bolas's Citadel.
4) Pawn of Ulamog - little innocent dude that can go infinite with Nether Traitor and Phyrexian Altar, which would give you another source of inifnite etb/die/sac/mana of any color.
MrKillStar on
We're all mad here
4 years ago
Rainbowjuice77 - the only one of them that can search multiply libraries (including yours) is Bitter Ordeal, since you can change target for every copy of Bitter Ordeal, but you need to trigger it somehow (I use it in my Syr Konrad, the Grim's For the Void deck with Desecrated Tomb + Phyrexian Altar + Tortured Existence
as a main engine for different stuff).
There is a lot of cards that can be really sweet with Opposition Agent, the most casual use would be to use Op.Agent just on its own, without anything else like Maralen of the Mornsong, etc..
And with Wishclaw Talisman I would definitely run Homeward Path :D
MrKillStar on
Grab your shovel and dig
4 years ago
Sanglier: I somehow got Thornbite Staff from someone's entire collection before it jumped to like 6-7 dollars :D
To mess with my others, I like Life's Finale; Sadistic Sacrament and Bitter Ordeal to cripple their cards or entire libraries with some infinite die triggers for Bitter Ordeal (I use Desecrated Tomb + Phyrexian Altar + Tortured Existence
for that), but thats a bit more evil than just a discard spell... :D More cards I know about like that are Nightmare Incursion and Praetor's Grasp, all those cards could work really well together in some library-hate themed deck I guess.
Anyway, Thornbite Staff could be really sweet here with Gisa, even with only a 2/2 zombie token on board, which would basically be: ": sacrifice a 2/2 token to make two 2/2 tokens." whiiiiiiich, just looking at my collection again, could go infinite with Carnival of Souls and something that gives you 1 or more life upon a creature etb, like Ayara, First of Locthwain. Just not every playgroup is OK with infinite combos.. just some ideas here :D
MrKillStar on
Teysa Karlov’s Double D's
4 years ago
KibaAlpha to go infinite with Bitter Ordeal I use Desecrated Tomb + Phyrexian Altar + Tortured Existence
. Could also use Gravecrawler with another zombie. Or for another usage for infinite Bitter Ordeal, I use Bolas's Citadel
Gray Merchant of Asphodel
Haunted Crossroads
with Phyrexian Altar to go infinite; with Mortuary as a possible replacement for Haunted Crossroads and removing the need of having Phyrexian Altar on board, then if any opponent somehow stays alive, Bitter Ordeal them :D Emergence Zone if you need to flash Bitter Ordeal.
Tzefick: I would agree to keep Black Market in deck. Yea, it costs , which isnt something amazing, but even in mono-black, its not hard to ramp into it and witht the right cards (or even if any opponent goes crazy with sacing creatures), you can get some great mana value from it. In a worse case, it eats some enchantment removel and "protects" your more important ones.
The thing I would be more careful about is Dark Prophecy, since it can kill you, unless you have something to negate the life loss or something to shuffle your GY back into library (Elixir of Immortality/old Eldrazi titans)+discard.