MTG Combo: Devoted Druid + Ivy Lane Denizen + Presence of Gond

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cmd276 on Selesnya Infinite Elf Tokens

5 years ago

Devoted Druid + Ivy Lane Denizen + Presence of Gond - Attach Presence of Gond to Devoted Druid, tap Devoted Druid for Presence of Gond ability. Ivy Lane Denizen activates due to new green creature. Target Devoted Druid with the +1/+1. Then Devoted Druid can give itself -1/-1 cancelling out the +1/+1, allowing it to untap itself to let it tap for another token.
Devoted Druid + Safehold Elite - This one I feel actually needs explaining. Unless they meant Ivy Lane Denizen instead of Devoted Druid.