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iplayBANJO on
Elenda - Life After Death
3 years ago
A bit of a long comment for you to chew some ideas over. I'm just going to throw out some cards that work for the aristocrats strategy that I think the commander would work well with. Then I'll give you some combos that could work here. Most of the combos rely heavily on white cards, so I think they are all pretty cheap. I'm sure there's a lot more that you could use, but these are the ones that come to my mind.
Aristocrat Mana Producers
Pitiless Plunderer , Sifter of Skulls , Nether Traitor , Pawn of Ulamog
Reveillark , Karmic Guide , Sun Titan , Gift of Immortality , Angelic Renewal , Luminous Broodmoth , Mikaeus, the Unhallowed , Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord , Nim Deathmantle
Self-Recursive Creatures
Reassembling Skeleton , Bloodsoaked Champion , Oathsworn Vampire
Free Sacrifice Outlets
Ashnod's Altar , Phyrexian Altar , Altar of Dementia , Blasting Station , Viscera Seer , Bloodthrone Vampire , Carrion Feeder , Spawning Pit , Bloodflow Connoisseur Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter
Aristocrat Payoffs
Blood Artist , Cruel Celebrant , Falkenrath Noble , Zulaport Cutthroat
I'm sure these fit into combos, but I'll leave them to you to evaluate.
Marauding Blight-Priest
Famished Paladin
Epicure of Blood
Defiant Bloodlord
Cliffhaven Vampire
Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose
Combos with a free sacrifice outlet
Karmic Guide + Reveillark
: Karmic Guide can return Reveillark to the battlefield. Sacrifice Karmic Guide, then Reveillark. Reveillark's death trigger returns Karmic Guide to the battlefield. Karmic Guide's ETB (enters the battlefield) trigger can return Reveillark to the battlefield. Repeat forever. Reveillark can also return another small creature to the battlefield in addition to Karmic Guide.
Gift of Immortality + Sun Titan
: Enchant Sun Titan with Gift of Immortality. Sacrifice Sun Titan. Gift of Immortality returns Sun Titan to the battlefield. Sun Titan's ETB trigger returns Gift of Immortality to the battlefield, attached to Sun Titan. Repeat forever.
Kaya's Ghostform + Sun Titan
: Same as Gift of Immortality combo above.
Angelic Renewal
Sun Titan
: Same as above.
Fiend Hunter
Sun Titan
: Exile Sun Titan with Fiend Hunter's ETB. Sacrifice Fiend Hunter to return Sun Titan to the battlefield. Return Fiend Hunter to the battlefield with Sun Titan's ETB. Exile Sun Titan with Fiend Hunter's ETB. Repeat forever.
Fiend Hunter + Karmic Guide
: Same as Sun Titan combo above.
Leonin Relic-Warder combos
Animate Dead + Leonin Relic-Warder
: Start with Leonin Relic-Warder in your graveyard. Play Animate Dead to bring Leonin-Relic Warder back from your graveyard. Exile Animate Dead with Leonin Relic-Warder's ETB. Leonin Relic-Warder dies to Animate Dead leaving the battlefield. Animate Dead returns to the battlefield targeting Leonin-Relic Warder. Exile Animate Dead with Leonin-Relic Warder's ETB. Repeat forever.
Dance of the Dead + Leonin Relic-Warder
: Same as above.
Leonin Relic-Warder + Necromancy
: Same as above.
Infinite Sacrifice Fodder
Divine Visitation + Requiem Angel
: Sacrificing a creature will trigger Requiem Angel to create a 1/1 Spirit Token. Divine Visitation causes that to instead be a 4/4 Angel Token, which can be sarificed to trigger Requiem Angel to create another 1/1 spirit that comes into play as a 4/4 Angel.
Bishop of Wings + Divine Visitation
: Same as above, but you also gain 4 life each time.
BlueBat93 on
Queen of the Orzhov [[Teysa Karlov Combo Build]]
6 years ago
skroes: I don't run it because it is too expensive. I already have Grave Pact and Dictate of Erebos. Seven mana is a lot for an effect I can get from far cheaper cards.
Xynarth: Yeah, I already thought on cutting Skirsdag High Priest. He seemed underwhelming to me as well. Have you thought about the combo of Divine Visitation + Requiem Angel yet? With a sac outlet it goes infinite like Darkest Hour + Teysa, Orzhov Scion .