MTG Combo: Doomsday + Laboratory Maniac


Ser1ousGaM3r on The Rielle Slim Shady

7 years ago

This deck is sweet! I have tried Doomsday + Laboratory Maniac and I've used Demonic Consultation before but never crossed my mind to use it this way! What do you think about adding Ghostly Flicker to combo with Dualcaster Mage for infinite mana? You would need Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind or Blue Sun's Zenith equivalents. Ghostly Flicker can be a dead card, but it does it interact nicely with Snappy, Big Snappy, and Archaeomancer.

JA14732 on Advertise your COMMANDER deck!

7 years ago

Left a comment on your deck, WiltLeafElves. This is currently my "big bad" EDH list, my Zur deck. Once an Oloro deck, I've been working on this for about 4 years now. This is a combo-control deck, seeking to win through one of a number of ways, such as Helm of Obedience + Rest in Peace or Doomsday + Laboratory Maniac after setting up an unwinnable board state, such as Copy Enchantment on a Greater Auramancy with Necropotence + Solitary Confinement and a bunch of counterspells in hand.

All I'm looking for is suggestions and/or cuts for the deck to improve it in any way.

Zur's New Groove

Commander / EDH JA14732


Darkwolf762 on [WIP] [Primer] Breya Doomsday

8 years ago

@jonfehl - The deck strategy focuses mainly around Doomsday + Laboratory Maniac with Grapeshot and Tendrils of Agony as alternate. Each card will be tuned to promote that game plan, so removing even just 2 cards for a very narrow wincon just hurts my ability to play out my primary strategy. If I were to remove and add cards, it would be for more protection to help force the combo through

That's not to say it's a bad combo, it's definitely a solid finisher. I just think that it would be more appropriate in another deck archetype that could better use those two cards. If I had both deathmantle and ashnod's altar, I would be tempted to use Wurmcoil Engine alongside other creature strategies with good enter and exit the battlefield triggers. As is, here I need every bit of gas I can get my hands on in order to Storm out.

Bob_Da_Epic on Leovold, emissary of trest

8 years ago

I would cut Tezzeret the Seeker , he offers no real advantage, as you only run 4 artifacts. So either add more artifact for ramp and hand control, or just cut him. You should list the wincon of the deck, Doomsday + Laboratory Maniac , I didn't really see it until I actually scoured through the deck. Overall, your curve is pretty great for EDH, and add more ramp to get a better chance of winning with said combo, with the 5 being lab man, some ramp and some draw spells. Overall, you could reach like t2/3 win. Good luck, this looks fun!