MTG Combo: Drana, Liberator of Malakir + Olivia, Mobilized for War

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_Delta_ on Mobilized for Slaughter

8 years ago

I'm sure you will be do much better next time just think of that as a learning experience.

I myself tried my Black/Red vampires deck at my local game day event and did okay in my matches.

2-0 against a mono red deck (unfortunately for them they were new).

2-0 against a mono black deck (they had little removal surprisingly and lost to flying vampires).

1-2 against essentially a mirror deck of mine. I had a lot of bad hands and ended up having to mulligan to 4 cards and still had trouble getting lands, and my Olivia's Bloodsworn and cards like that were killed by Fiery Temper so he could win with Drana, Liberator of Malakir. I won the second round after getting a 9/10 Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet and forcing him to keep blocking. He managed to kill it by the end with a Avacyn's Judgment + Lightning Axe but by then he had nothing to defend.

The third match was really close but he won in the end. I had 11 health after just taking 7 damage to Drana, Liberator of Malakir + Olivia, Mobilized for War . While he also had 11 health due to my Olivia and heir to the night. He won since he drew a mountain and had 1 mana left after spending the rest just so he could get a Falkenrath Gorger out as a blocker. I would have been able to cast my Incorrigible Youths and attack with all 3 of my creatures to do exactly 11 as his flying creatures were tapped, but he got a blocker. His Drana, and Olivia were already +1/+1 stronger so I couldn't do much else if I didn't end it there.

So I Instead I tried an Insolent Neonate to see if I could get my last Lightning Axe or one of my last 2 Fiery Temper to kill his blocker and then cast my Incorrigible Youths but I only drew a land, and so I gave up.

Then my last game 1-2 against Black/Green Eldrazi. He got out Cryptolith rite every one of our three matches turn 2... To win with Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger the first and last games. I won the second thanks to Drana, Liberator of Malakir + Olivia, Mobilized for War I had in fact let him borrow cards like Ulamog, Ulvenwald Hydra, Westvale abbeys, etc. From my other standard deck I hadn't used. He managed to place second after losing to a Green/Red ramp deck that used World Breaker, and Kozilek's Return.

But I placed in the top 8 at least, and it was overall a good time.