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Alpenkeks on
5 Color Superfriends Competetive
8 years ago
in short cut the counter. You play so less they dont have a impact anyway. Go for more fixing your Avg. CMC is 4.22.
Maybe use Child of Alara as Commander i think it fits better the deck then Cromat.
I am not a EDH player but i play a 5c control super friends Highlander i leave you the link here you can finde several good fixing Cards in there.
My 5c super friends Highlander
Here is a list of some of the fixings out of my deck:
- Farseek
- Dryad Arbor + Green Sun's Zenith or whit Nissa, Vastwood Seer Flip
- Skyshroud Claim <-- best fixing whit the right lands
- Spoils of Victory
- Coalition Relic
- Mox Diamond you burn a card but fast as possible
- Deathrite Shaman + Lotus Cobra + Sylvan Caryatid + Oracle of Mul Daya nice mana animals
I hope this comment was a help see you.
Lilbrudder on
A Heart Three Sizes Too Small
8 years ago
Pheardemons: I am happy to help you with your deck. Just give me a day or so to look it over. I feel for you, Sidisi can be very hard to build around due to her randomness factor. The biggest inprovement I made is when I decided to make Yawgmoth's Will an integral part of the deck and added Dark Ritual and Songs of the Damned to fuel it. This allowed me to be alright with milling noncreature spells and allowed me to win so much easier with random parts.
I have found Hedron Crab to be great, especially with fetchlands. Late game it can also be useful since it essentially doubles or triples sidisi's zombie output and increases the chances you dig for the combo piece or tutor you need to win.
There are far too many paths to victory to explain it all but in general to win by turn 3 or 4 consistently you need fast mana accelerents a graveyard filler and a big reanimation spell. Tutors and mulligans are also key. It also takes a long time to know your deck well enough to always know what card to go for in each situation. If you dont have all the pieces a turn 1-3 reanimated jin gitaxis, core augur can dig you to a win con pretty damn fast. I also like abusing Rune-Scarred Demon and Sidisi, Undead Visiers trigger to dig for wincons.
For acceleration the best turn 1 options are Mana Crypt/Sol Ring or Joraga Treespeaker or a way to get an extra land into play early like Gemstone Caverns, Dryad Arbor + Green Sun's Zenith , or Sakura-Tribe Elder. The extra lands are crucial for turn 2 victories since you will always need at least 3 lands to go infinite with Deadeye Navigator + Peregrine Drake .
For graveyard fillers the best two cards are Hermit Druid and Buried Alive, but other options include Intuition, Entomb, and Survival of the Fittest. Birthing Pod is also essential for getting the right card. Eldritch evolution will be nasty as well.
For big reanimation spells Victimize Living Death and Wake the Dead are the unholy trinity.
As for infinite combos, unless you are playing cutthroat edh, Sidisi really doesnt need them to be effective and win at your LGS. I used to play a token themed reanimator sidisi deck with cards like Grave Titan, Hornet Queen and Craterhoof Behemoth and it was brutal.
hoggyhay222 on
Ezuri Elfvalanche
8 years ago
Oh, just infinite mana. It costs four mana to bounce a creature w/ Wirewood Symbiote, play that creature, bounce Wirewood Symbiote w/ Temur Sabertooth, and replay Wirewood Symbiote.
So 5 mana or more from one creatures and boom!
And for 33 lands it definitely feels like the right number... But I also play more tutors than you do. My main goal is to get Priest of Titania and/or Elvish Archdruid out as fast and consistently as I can, and then Wirewood Symbiote and Quirion Ranger secondarily.
Primal Command, Worldly Tutor, and Chord of Calling are all crazy helpful. Plus I intend to pick up a copy of Sylvan Tutor as well.
With these together, I rarely find it difficult to get Priest of Titania out ASAP. I sometimes will find myself with only 3 lands on turn 5, but plenty of mana regardless.
One more thing you may notice is that none of my lands ETB tapped. That way there are no awkward draws where I get a land I can't play that turn. Technically Dryad Arbor is the exception, but it helps get me out of awkward opening hands by T1 Dryad Arbor + Green Sun's Zenith , and being a creature fetchable by Wood Elves. There's a lot of weird corner case things it can do, like bounce it with Quirion Ranger and then pitch it to Fauna Shaman for a creature, or stuff like that. Plus let's face it... It's just a pretty cool card. But other than that, there wasn't a land I couldn't use on the turn I played it that I felt had the utility I needed.
evanmarion on
Animar, Soul of Elements Casual
8 years ago
hoggyhay222 Thanks, these are some really valid points. One small thing is that I actually do have all the shock lands listed, (just haven't bought Stomping Ground and Breeding Pool yet). Scalding Tarn just doesn't seem worth it at around $85, the fixing is a bit too negligible for the price, and the deck thinning is nonexistent. The only reason that there's a Misty Rainforest is because I already had one in my collection. The lands I think I'll definitely cut eventually (I have just bought a good portion of the deck, so I'm hesitant to toss anything aside just yet) are the ones that produce colorless: Temple of the False God, Desolate Lighthouse, Kessig Wolf Run, etc., as well as the scry lands and bounce lands. Any recommendations for replacements? I've actually found the manlands to be good emergency blockers, but I'll definitely look into replacing them if they start to underperform.
I think I will cut a lot of the more mid-level cmc creatures to make room for smaller creatures (mostly the mana dorks), although I do think many of them (excluding Artisan of Kozilek and Kalonian Hydra) have lots of value, especially Forgotten Ancient, Progenitor Mimic, and Vigor. Cards like Craterhoof Behemoth, World Breaker, and Primordial Hydra do underperform a bit, so eventually I will cut them. Like I said, I'm a little reluctant to make any changes with the more pricey cards right now, the reason being I spent a fair bit on them very recently. As for Woodland Bellower, the only reasons he is unattractive is because the fetched creature is not cast, resulting in no counters on Animar. I do really like your other creature suggestions though, and will add them in as soon as possible.
On the topic of the borderline auto-includes like Sol Ring, Chromatic Lantern, etc: the only reason i didn't include them is because, with this being a less competitive deck and all, decided I could indulge myself with a creature theme, trying to run fairly few non-creature spells. That being said, if I find that this cripples the deck more than is affordable, I'll be sure to swap in Sol Ring and all. Glimpse of Nature has always seemed a little clunky to me, but I'll be sure to give it a try. Finally, Chord of Calling and Dryad Arbor + Green Sun's Zenith seem like fun cards, and ones I'll pick up next time I can trade for them, or just acquire a little cash. Thanks so much, this is more helpful than you know. I owe you one!
CastleSiege on Titania, Protector of Argoth as …
9 years ago
You have Exploration which is great. I would also pick up a Rites of Flourishing since it's cheap. Manabond is a pet favorite of mine and is ridiculous with Creeping Renaissance.
Regardless whether you have cards that let you play extra lands per turn or not, you're going to want to run a bunch of mana accelerates such as Dryad Arbor + Green Sun's Zenith , Edge of Autumn, Cultivate, Kodama's Reach, Nissa's Pilgrimage, Harrow and Skyshroud Claim. Personally I don't run any of the accelerates that cost more than 4cmc besides Skyshroud Claim because it lets the forests come in untapped. Blighted Woodland and Myriad Landscape should speak for themselves.
Tempt with Discovery is a great land tutor. For 4cmc, you get to search your library for any utility land and put it into play untapped. It also becomes even more powerful when your opponents foolishly decide to also grab al and for themselves.
If you can't afford all four of the green fetchlands, run the panoramas instead. Just make sure you also run Evolving Wilds and Terramorphic Expanse. Ghost Quarter is another great land if you target your own tapped basics with it.
Since you don't have Crucible of Worlds or Life from the Loam, you'll want some extra recursion spells. Groundskeeper, Regrowth, Eternal Witness, Greenwarden of Murasa, Tilling Treefolk, Cartographer, Harvest Wurm, Verdant Confluence, Petrified Field, Creeping Renaissance, and Praetor's Counsel should do the job.
I don't abuse bounce effects in my own build, but Conjurer's Closet and Blade of Selves could be useful for you to abuse Titania's ETB trigger.
Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx makes a decent budget alternative to Gaea's Cradle. Scorched Ruins and Lotus Vale also get extra value through Titania's ability.
Most importantly, we can't forget your sac outlets. Zuran Orb, Claws of Gix, Sylvan Safekeeper, Fortitude, and Squirrel Wrangler are all great options. Wrangler is probably the weakest of them unless you're using it in conjunction with Gaea's Cradle or Craterhoof Behemoth).
You can check out my non-budget build here if you'd like:
Commander / EDH*
SCORE: 111 | 158 COMMENTS | 19244 VIEWS
flluid on
9 years ago
Alrighty friend welcome to the world of EDH! Gruul is a blast as it is home to my favorite Commander as well :) First, some recommendations for you to strive for since I am unsure on your budget preferences... Dryad Arbor + Green Sun's Zenith is a quick turn 1 two land turn, and Green Sun's Zenith is a great card in green. Oracle of Mul Daya, Woodfall Primus, Craterhoof Behemoth, Avenger of Zendikar, and Vigor are creatures I would look into. Enchantments are quite durable in EDH due to the lack of removal so I suggest running some of the more broken ones. Mana Reflection, Defense of the Heart, In the Web of War, Aggravated Assault, Greater Good and Sylvan Library are just some of my favorites. In green I like to run heavy land ramp over mana rocks since we have access to it so I suggest Nissa's Pilgrimage, Kodama's Reach, and Skyshroud Claim (as it lets you get Cinder Glade and if you ever acquire one a Stomping Ground). Finally artifacts and since your ultimate dream is to be dropping fatties my two suggestions for you would be Quicksilver Amulet and Belbe's Portal. Good Huntings man!