MTG Combo: Dualcaster Mage + Rite of Replication


DemonicDuck on Unstable Army

3 years ago

Very nice list. I love the Combat Celebrant loop, the Hellrider finisher, and the Sharding Sphinx swarm. That said, I'm sure you could find funnier ways to abuse clones. Also, don't forget the classic Dualcaster Mage + Rite of Replication combo.

Hjaltrohir on Riku Goodstuff

8 years ago

greyninja I will add Caged Sun to the maybeboard. Further testing is required! Temur Sabertooth is also still in consideration.

Hipparchos I'm not sure i understand Dualcaster Mage + Rite of Replication . While Reiterate + Turnabout may indeed give infinite mana, the cards are only useful (really) in the combo. What i want for this deck is to function as well as possible without the combos, they are just extra. Hence Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker but no Splinter Twin.

Hipparchos on Riku Goodstuff

8 years ago

Another combo to make infinte mana is Reiterate + Turnabout , also Dualcaster Mage + Rite of Replication for infinite creatures w/o haste.

Hipparchos on ¡Que Riku!

8 years ago

NoSoyYucateco: You know with Dualcaster Mage + Rite of Replication there's a second infinite creature combo in your deck!? :)

MrHighscore on Miss Coupon never pays the retail price

8 years ago

Thank you for the feedback! Much appreciated :)




  • Especially the 'save Mizzix argument is compelling, but the other uses also has merits. I'll add a Riptide Laboratory to the deck (just need to acquire yet another copy).
  • Command Beacon could also work, but I'm starting to stretch my color fixing. I'll give it some thought, but I guess it's going in! Thank you.


purpleganja on The Physics of Mizzix

8 years ago

So many good options with this commander, he is AWESOME.

Thanks for the inspiration from many cards on your list, mostly the proliferate cards witch i totally forgot about.

Im not sure what to remove to add other cards since maybe i don't get the synergy right but, heres some old combos i play that are just made very easier with experience cost reduction:

Reiterate + Seething Song for unbound red mana.

Reiterate + Turnabout or Reality Spasm + Reiterate for unbound mana of any color.

Dualcaster Mage + Rite of Replication maybe its too broken lol. Anyways i only use this combo if they happen to be there at the same time in my hands, they both are very good by themselves.

Capsize + Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx + Treachery (need to make 8 mana out of 5 lands with 4 experience) for unbound mana and unbound bounce ;no more lands or any targetable permanents for all your opponents is pretty much a win. Just be careful about sacrifices that could fizzle you spells.

Mind Over Matter + Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx + Whispers of the Muse with enough devotion and experience can allow you to make a lot of mana and draw a lot of cards. That goes without saying that Mind Over Matter is a very versatile card when you have a bunch of draw spells as it transforms all cards in hand into MANA(mostly) or attack prevention or anti-blocker or utility reactivation and good devotion to blue.