MTG Combo: Dualcaster Mage + Twinflame


patricklvanduyse on Zada Storm

2 years ago

Could I recommend adding in Reiterate? It's (if anything) a more powerful infinite combo piece than Dualcaster Mage + Twinflame or Dualcaster Mage + Heat Shimmer . Given enough mana to pay its buyback cost, it typically results in both infinite mana and infinite cast triggers with Inner Fire, Battle Hymn or Brightstone Ritual. It can even feed off of Seething Song if you have at least 2 or 3 of Runaway Steam-Kin, Helm of Awakening and Ruby Medallion on the field.

DarkMagician on Izzet worth it?

3 years ago

Scytec the Dualcaster lines are: Dualcaster Mage + Comet Storm + Ghostly Flicker . Comet Storm can be replaced by Commune with Lava hitting the Comet Storm or Thassa's Oracle for the win. Dualcaster Mage + Twinflame or Heat Shimmer. Not sold on the shimmer yet. Might also include Sublime Epiphany for more redundancy.

Tacovine on Anje's Falkendeath

4 years ago

I've revisited the deck to add a additional combo, Dualcaster Mage + Twinflame for a back up plan. Also added more Madness cards to speed through the deck (37). Other than the lands and Madness cards, the rest of the deck consists of Ramp (8), Tutors (6), Draw (3) and Interaction (8). Not including in these numbers are some of the Madness cards such as Psychotic Episode, Grave Scrabbler and Big Game Hunter which have useful abilities in game situations but can be discarded if not needed, the goal being to get a combo out and win as quickly as possible. Not sure if I have the mix right, will play test. Comments Welcome..

Andrew_Burger on gwyn mark 6

4 years ago

Some combos you should consider:

BudgetBS on Jhoira, Weatherlight Captian/ Combo Artifacts

5 years ago

There are plenty of other game-winning combos you can put in this deck, for sure.

There's the Dramatic Reversal + Isochron Scepter combo which only costs around $15 right now and can win with the Aetherflux Reservoir , Grapeshot , or Brain Freeze cards you already have in your deck.

For around $15, you could also add the Ashnod's Altar + Nim Deathmantle combo to generate infinite mana. You'd need to add a creature who makes more than 1 token on ETB, like Maverick Thopterist , Myr Battlesphere , and Whirler Rogue , which are possibly solid adds regardless of combo efficacy.

If you're looking for something cheaper, there's always Ghostly Flicker + Naru Meha, Master Wizard and a card with a game-winning ETB like Viashino Pyromancer , Halimar Excavator , or Sunscorched Desert . You can get all of these cards for under $2 total.

Also Dualcaster Mage + Twinflame to make infinite creatures with haste and swing to win, still super cheap. Dualcaster also can be used in place of Naru Meha above.

PraetorianGuard on Carah Burn Storm

5 years ago

Hey Shaper! Other than Dualcaster Mage + Twinflame to make infinite creatures with haste, what are some other combos within this deck?

Thanks again!

RiverMayCry on Mad Farm

7 years ago

On3wheels thanks man. Now, Impact Tremors is not better than Blood Artist or Zulaport Cutthroat, because creature removal on Leonin Relic-Warder stops the combo even with Impact Tremors. Same with Dualcaster Mage.

Now the one upside it has over the two creatures is that Impact Tremors + Dualcaster Mage + Twinflame wins the game even in the post combat main step, just like Goblin Bombardment.

But alas, overall it provides basically 0 utility outside of going infinite which makes worse than the creatures which can be sacrificed to other cards. Although I am thinking of trying some new cards over Blood Artist as it is the only creature in the deck that does not draw cards with Tymna so it feels pretty weak at times. Right now I feel I have almost always at least one of the kill cards (cutthroat, artist, bombardment) post Ad Nauseam, but I need a lot of playtesting to see if cutting one of them loses too much consistency.

AndWelcomeToTheJam on Zada, Miracle Worker

8 years ago

@1empyrean To my knowledge, the Dualcaster Mage + Heat Shimmer / Dualcaster Mage + Twinflame combo cannot go infinite. Heat Shimmer resolves, then the token is produced. The spell has already been removed from the stack, so you can't target it with the token's ETB, becuase the ETB is a response to a spell's cast, not its resolution.