MTG Combo: Echo Mage + Reality Spasm

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clayperce on No, Don't Do That - EDH Mono-Blue Cancel Deck

8 years ago

OK, I really like this deck. Talrand is always a pain to play against, but this raises him to a whole new level of pain. Ouch and +1!

Maybe an Into the Roil or Capsize? I like the idea of letting an opponent actually resolve something every now and then ... just to see it bounce right back! Vapor Snag too, to add injury to insult.

Speaking of adding injury, maybe a Sphinx-Bone Wand?

Another super-trollish option could be Foil or Thwart. Tap out sometime, and let everyone get all excited. Just to find out that no, you can still counter their stuff.

I know lots of folks like Echo Mage, but I'm not a fan. to copy a spell is just REALLY pricey. But if you run him, you might consider Echo Mage + Reality Spasm for infinite mana.

On the Land side, I may be missing something, but why Vivid Creek ... do you need the fixing?. A couple utilities that might be worth considering: Blighted Cataract, for a late-game draw, and Riptide Laboratory, to reduce the Commander tax if Talrand gets targeted.

And this deck TOTALLY needs a Sea Troll! :-D

Gooter on How to Git Gud

8 years ago

If I'm right, wouldn't Dakra Mystic be a multiplayer mill finisher alongside the Echo Mage + Reality Spasm infinite mana/untaps combo if x=5?

Not sure how the last reveal of a card from someone's deck who doesn't have any cards in their library would work...but you could also get around auto-graveyard-to-deck-recursion like Emrakul by choosing to let them draw that card if it's revealed.

You might have to add another self mill protector though, just in case you don't have a Maniac in play.