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Flawless_Sin on
Emmara, Soul of Salvation!
5 years ago
If you are worried about board wipes, you should definitely include Teferi's Protection . Also if you can explain to me how Eerie Interlude + Eternal Witness combo works to be unlimited if at the end step it resolves and you will need to pay mana again to cast Eerie Interlude . Unless you have unlimited mana you won't have unlimited ETB effect, and you would also have to wait till the next end step for effect to take place again, since the card states at the beginning of the next end step, whereas when the Eternal Witness comes in as the result of effect it's no longer beginning of the end step.
Icbrgr on
Venser: Wishful Blinking
8 years ago
@Daedalus19876 I think Ghostly Flicker is a good/interesting suggestion! Ill play test that idea and see how it pans out! I think Glittering Wish makes Call the Gatewatch a little bit redundant due to both Venser, the Sojourner & Tamiyo, Field Researcher being in the sideboard... This deck is a little bit DECEPTIVE on its reliance of Venser though...Eerie Interlude + Eternal Witness can situationally prove to be even better than he is sometimes... also because he is a 5CMC if he isnt in my opening hand its reasonable due to the natural draw you get every turn and the draws induced by Wall of Omens or even better Coiling Oracle that you can draw into him or straight up wish for him if in position to want to abuse his -8 HOWEVER!!! if removing a land or 2 is a possibility though... why not... i will admit the idea of removing a land TERRIFIES ME (hence my knee-jerk reaction to shoot down the adding another venser idea)... this is the first TRI-COLOR deck ive built that has actually been CONSISTENT... but i suppose i can try it out * gulp * :p