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TheRedGoat on
Eldrazi control
8 years ago
Partly I'll say that this looks pretty interesting, but largely without a direct win con. Yes I get Remorseless Punishment is a hateful monster of a card, but given the kinds of counter spells in the format it is easily gotten rid off long before you could play it.
Personally my advice, and I may start doing this myself, is to design the deck to be run with a partner. Technically the Zendikar block was designed with two headed giant play in mind given the emergence of the surge and support mechanics. What people might miss is that the Eldrazi can also team up like this.
For example one Eldrazi deck could be an aggro strategy and run small time creatures with ingest like Salvage Drone and Benthic Infiltrator. The second deck though runs the control match-up and has all the processor types like Wasteland Strangler or Ulamog's Nullifier, which is the style I am believing you are emulating here.
Now if that was completely wrong then by all means, call me dumb for it. However I can tell you that bare minimum you shouldn't run Eldrazi Displacer + Goblin Dark-Dwellers as your only combo play. If you want ETB combo effects then you should go with the weeny ingest types and eldrazi processors, or else find something other than the displacer combo to run. Something else to consider is you will have an easier time running Radiant Flames over Kozilek's Return given you have no high cost eldrazi to recur the spell with.