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Keos027 on
8 years ago
I just played against one. It's pretty strong. Got comboed by Eldrazi Displacer + Reflector Mage and it was quite annoying. I won one of three rounds against it though as I combo Briarbridge Patrol + Tamiyo's Journal to fetch Ulamog and put it on the battlefield. And since it is not cast, I could put it again :). But then my opponent just sidedecked what he needed and my Clue deck wasn't fast enough.
Jaxis on
8 years ago
So much synergy. Love the Eldrazi Displacer + Reflector Mage combo, and this deck looks like it can actually protect it. Every creature has synergy with the deck except Sylvan Advocate. Have you considered Nissa, Vastwood Seer Flip to replace it? Great value with CoCo.
EDIT: Why is Explosive Apparatus here?