MTG Combo: Eldrazi Displacer + Wall of Resurgence

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Leitmotif on Land for the win!

8 years ago

The Eldrazi Displacer + Wall of Resurgence combo is a lot of fun, but make sure you have some colorless sources so you can use the displace effect. Some low cost spells like Clutch of Currents or even Rush of Ice will help slow down your opponent, allow you to hit the surge cost on Crush of Tentacles, and even has awaken for later in the game.

Looks like a fun deck, I've always been curious to see how well awaken can do.

DomVito89 on Tempo Archangel Displacer

9 years ago

This deck is not reliant on the combo, it is a control/tempo deck Eldrazi Displacer allows me to flicker cards like Reflector Mage to control the opponents board.
The win condition is Wingmate Roc or Exquisite Firecraft + Goblin Dark-Dwellers , but worst case scenario, Eldrazi Displacer + Wall of Resurgence is an all star combo.
Also, I currently have a playset of Wall of Resurgence in the main board, I probably won't be removing Battlefield Forge as I don't want to be stuck without a colorless source for the displacer. I will consider some Needle Spires however, that might be a difference maker in the long game.

As for Hallowed Moonlight that card doesn't worry me much, I have 7 counter spells mainboarded and can side in 2 Stubborn Denial one sixth of my deck will be counter spells and I can hang onto it for that card, or I just let them do it, it doesn't effect my long game too much as I can then play one of the other 15 creatures with an ETB trigger.

The Altar of the Brood infinite combo doesn't work with this deck because I don't have green for Brood Monitor, a lot of your sideboard options seem like cards for an abzan build. I like the idea of Thought-Knot Seer but don't feel like spending money for them, they would be mainboarded if I had them lol.Thanks a lot for your comment and suggestions!