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The UW Hatebears: Spell Lockers
8 years ago
JohnHenryEden03 & Jace-Beleren-Body-Pillow thanks for the feedback guys!
I'll replace Cursecatcher for Judge's Familiar right away!
What I meant with online play is stuff like Magic Workstation and XMage, I have no intention of creating this deck IRL, it is just for free online fun, specially because I live in Brazil and it would cost me more than 3 times what it is worth in dollars... And this deck is not as competitive as I'd want for such an investment...
Although I agree with you that Eldrazi Mimic is kinda useless here, I chose to put him in exactly to be able to name 1 for Sanctum Prelate and still not lose the combo because I'd still be able to play creature spells and combo Eldrazi Mimic + Phyrexian Dreadnought even while locking the number 1 and losing Stifle.
About Wasteland, yeah, I guess I'll run the 4 copies then, removing 2x Seachrome Coast and the 2 extra copies of basic lands (I just hate blood moon so much, thats why they're there).
Well well, so many options.. I guess I'll remove the StifleNought since it kinda runs away from the theme of this deck (I just wanted a fast clock and a versatile combo that could be done easily on the beginning of the game and also still keep it while locking 1 with Sanctum Prelate, but I'm thinking that running Grand Abolisher and more copies of Meddling Mage will be better on main deck.