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![Zur, Eternal Schemer feature for [retired] Sippin On Some SyZurp](
breakdownjason on
Zur Board Control
2 years ago
Pulled out the Celestial Convergence alt-win con package and replaced it with the Enchanted Evening + Opalescence an Opalescence + Parallax Wave combos.
sith_squirrel on
if i cant win no body wins
6 years ago
one the point is to make it a draw not a win so both those combos are out
with garruk you turn him into a creature with either Enchanted Evening + Opalescence or March of the Machines + Mycosynth Lattice
then great a wolf token with the origonal
make a copy of him with Splinter Twin keep the token
then have the token fight the wolf putting him bellow the transform threshold which will fail to transform him due to the token not having a backside
at this point the ability will continue to trigger infinitly
also typing this up i realise it works better with Clever Impersonator skipping the need to turn him into a creature
elgosu1337 on
cEDH 5C Enchantress Constellation
6 years ago
Really loving that Conflux + Dream Halls combo!
It's a pity you aren't a fan of the Ajani's Chosen + Enchanted Evening combo. (I came across your deck via the combo, which I included in a crazy Zur tribal deck.) Ajani's Chosen doesn't seem that beneficial to your deck otherwise. Perhaps an Attrition to make use of the tokens? That would also help you sacrifice Aura Thief. Aura Shards would also be really powerful with the cats and your other token-generators.
Cleansing Meditation is a good backup for Calming Verse.
Enchanted Evening + Opalescence becomes a one-sided Armageddon if you have Mirari's Wake out. Could be worth a mention along with your Doomwake Giant + Living Plane wipe.
SmokeyBear15 on
Most Likely Hermione Granger's Deck
8 years ago
But flavor wise, what about Hermione is ? Azorius seems like a good color fit for her. But I agree that some kind of extra turn is needed for a flavorful win. And besides, Time Sieve wants artifacts to sac, which this deck only runs 7 of. That wouldn't be very effective here.
Elspeth, Sun's Champion might be worth the addition. There's never any harm in additional boardwipes, and she's a great token producer (since your commander wants creatures to enter the battlefield anyways). And her ult emblem is pretty good, but yeah you don't have a lot of creatures. I bet you could afford to take out a single land or 2 and fit her in, since you run 40 and have a few other mana rocks.
Also, word of warning: Enchanted Evening + Starfield of Nyx makes all of your lands die, as well as everyone elses. This is similar to the Opal Evening combo (Enchanted Evening + Opalescence ). This can be a game winning combo if you can survive it. Something like Dictate of Heliod which would let your lands survive, or maybe Omniscience would let you cast cards anyways.
I still like this deck.
MrHighscore on
Leeching Cotton: Oloro's Couch
8 years ago
- I'd probably also run Privileged Position just in case :)
Thank you for the suggestion.
Starfield of Nyx has been suggested numerous times as beeing 'basically the same as Opalescence', but it is not. The recursion paragraph is awesome and I would run the card if it only had that printed. The big difference here is the second paragraph: Starfield of Nyx only make my enchantmets creatures, which is a HUGE liability, as opponents can pick off my darlings with trivial creature removal and board wipes. In contrast Opalescence turn all enchantments into creatures, allowing me to combo with Enchanted Evening with a very-hard-to-break land wipe/lockdown leaving all opponents paralyzed.
Enchanted Evening + Opalescence : If no anthems are in play, all lands will become 0/0 and die (in a mist of dirt, if you like), and so will new lands. I will, ofcourse, only play this combo when I am in a winning position, and usually this will cause opponents to forfeit.
I have added this explanation to the 'Notable omissions' section.
Boscogn on
Leeching Cotton: Oloro's Couch
8 years ago
How do you stop someone from Boseiju, Who Shelters All + Any enchantment wipe? I see a Replenish sitting in your maybe pile I'd consider it a tad more since Rest in Peace is only one card out of many with only 8 tutors in 99 cards. If not that then may I recommend Plea for Guidance? It can tutor two enchantments oh boy. Also with a deck like this it's going to be you vs everyone at the table which I'm not saying your deck can't handle it but more often than not it will either allow someone else to win faster or have you meet your demise sooner.
Was curious about No Mercy? With all the anti creature and mana tax you have this is only useful early but if you get it late it's a dead draw. If someone is going to make a shot at you it will be for lethal damage and likely commander damage or poison so it won't stop anything but early aggro. Same with Moat only saving you from little guys you can mitigate damage from easily with your life gain. I like Crackdown
here more. If you're afraid of hordes of 1/1 creatures from your Humility or early game Juntu Stakes
can help too Hehe.
Dovescape affects you too and would give you creatures which your creature taxing effects would then affect you too. I see little value in this as well as if someone just sideboards a Boseiju, Who Shelters All it won't stop anything. Forced Fruition this might be funner with your other draw hate.
Be careful of Necropotence if someone finagles a Mindslaver without your Stony Silence out. They can just flat out kill you on your next turn.
Extra Jank would be Angel's Trumpet since you don't have creatures this is just more damage to your enemies and forces them to attack each other with their creatures. You already run Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth running Karma would be kinda funny but would affect you too. A funny land wipe is Kormus Bell with your Night of Souls' Betrayal out and Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth. Obviously you can do this with Enchanted Evening
too and is way more efficient. I would replace Night of Souls' Betrayal for an emblem that only affects your creatures so your lands can stay alive. It can be as simple as Glorious Anthem or something like Spear of Heliod.
MrHighscore on
Leeching Cotton: Oloro's Couch
8 years ago
Lol - with Palace Siege/Subversion/Triskaidekaphobia/Underworld Dreams on the table and Dovescape + Humility + Night of Souls' Betrayal it is game over. A bit harder to pull off than Enchanted Evening + Opalescence , but still pretty fun.
Boscogn on
Casual Atogatog Commander
8 years ago
haha Enchanted Evening + Opalescence would destroy all lands but if you have Nature's Revolt You can be nice to your enemies and let the lands live. Then you can either Insurrection or Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite to be a dick again haha.