MTG Combo: Energy Field + Rest in Peace

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MRDOOM3 on Sen Triplets

6 years ago

Fatespinner and Peacekeeper are two nice pillowfort cards (I say Fatespinner is pillowfort because with her, your opponents can choose to skip their combat to play cards or draw cards).

For some more control, you can consider Grand Abolisher and Angelic Arbiter, maybe Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur, although he's a little on the expensive side of things.

For some combos, Leyline of the Void interacts very, very nicely with Helm of Obedience. There's also Energy Field + Rest in Peace to basically prevent you from taking damage until either one of the two enchantments are removed.

For an even longer term wincon, you can try out Omniscience followed by a Enter the Infinite. Draw and play the nonland cards of your library all in one turn.

MRDOOM3 on Arandomlife

7 years ago

I would suggest that you add in more pillowfort enchantments, because, well, you're bound to get pummeled in the face sooner or later. Ghostly Prison, Windborn Muse, Koskun Falls, Propaganda, Sphere of Safety, Collective Restraint, Dissipation Field, No Mercy, Aurification, and Peacekeeper all work. One nice combo you can run is Energy Field + Rest in Peace (You can no longer take damage as long as those enchantments remain on the field).

If you're aiming for a more oppressive control deck, you also can throw in Fatespinner, Frozen AEther, Blind Obedience, Torpor Orb, Hushwing Gryff, Iona, Shield of Emeria (especially funny when you're playing against a monocolor deck), Linvala, Keeper of Silence, Meishin, the Mind Cage, Indulgent Tormentor, Painful Quandary, Angelic Arbiter... I could go on and on and on.

I'm not sure about the status of your playgroup, but I also would suggest sweepers like Cataclysm, Tragic Arrogance, Mutilate, Cyclonic Rift, basically any sweeper that says "Sacrifice", "Bounce" or "-X/-X" to account for cards like Avacyn, Angel of Hope.

Soldcastro on Shiny Zur esper control

8 years ago

Better yet is Energy Field + Rest in Peace .With this you are immortal by damage. Both are featchable by Zur

trinitok on Zen Triplets

8 years ago

Hello, Handsome-Zack. Thank you for responding to my comment. I hope that I don't make suggestions that you feel will make your deck to competitive. I understand keeping it competitive enough to still be fun with friends. I can't use my Sen Triplets deck with my friends that often because it wins to often. I also do not mean to sound overly critical and would like to apologize before hand if at any time I do sound like a jerk with my suggestions.

Dissipate is a much better counter than Absorb. Dissipate will exile the card. So if anyone is playing eldrazi titans and think they are cool with their silly graveyard shenanigans, they will have to think twice

I recommend Remand over Dream Fracture as it will end up making them spend twice the mana and only allowing you to draw a card. I can perfectly understand why you would run Dream Fracture though. It isn't a bad card for EDH.

Instead of Desertion, why not Gilded Drake? Unless there is someone in your friend group who has a lot of ETB effects, I think that that Gilded Drake will serve the same purpose for a small cost (in game. Your wallet will feel the real cost)

The new Anguished Unmaking is many times better than Hero's Downfall. It allows you to exile, not destroy, a nonland permanent. The 3 life is pretty meh in edh. So AU can hit many more possible targets than HD and will also prevent graveyard shenanigans.

Stoneforge Mystic is nice, but I don't really know if she's for your deck. Sorry. Your equipment artifacts aren't that costly. Furthermore, you'd still have to wait that extra turn to use her activated ability since you need to tap her.

If you want to continue to be so creature heavy, why not Proteus Staff? It will allow you to cycle through some of the creatures in your deck. You can use tokens (they will disappear) from your planeswalkers to get everything out really fast.

You run neither Mycosynth Lattice nor its white enchantment counterpart. Why? Same goes with Paradox Haze. You can really utilize the Sen Triplets' ability that way to both take people's hands and cast whatever you want from them.

You have next to no tutors. Why not get Demonic Tutor or Vampiric Tutor? Those are some of the best tutors in the game.

How's that 33 lands working out for yah? I recommend more. You can probably get out more stuff faster. The only reasons I see you running 33 for are the assumption you can get 1 or 2 from your opponent's hands, and that you want to be slower for your friends so you don't destroy them with the Sen Triplets.

Are you trying to go for some combo with Temporal Mastery and that's why you run Archaeomancer and Spelltwine? I may have missed what you were going for.

Why no signets or talismen? I'm not saying you need the ramp, but it helps!

Meh to Steel Hellkite. Try Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon for that infect damage!

Rhystic Study a good option for you? It's a bit painful for your opponents, but you will generate a full hand really fast.

I'm going to say Jace, the Mind Sculptor, because JtMS. But wouldn't we all like him in our decks? I sure would.

I got rid of my artifact lands in my Triplets deck because they were targeted or board wiped a lot with my other artifacts. I would actually encourage you to do the same because your disk will get rid of them, and you are already running 33 lands so that probably puts you a bit behind from the start or midgame (or so I imagine).

Cyclonic Rift classic blue "boardwipe". Especially with that overload cost. You need more lands to really make it work though.

If you're really worried about taking damage from people, Energy Field + Rest in Peace . It also prevents graveyard shenanigans.

I have some others, but I would like to start out and see if you like these cards for your deck. Let me know if you like these and if you would like other recommendations.

trinitok on What is the best defenses …

8 years ago

Energy Field + Rest in Peace . Let them attack. You don't care.

Of course, board wipes work but aren't that fun.

Raz0r_ on Those Funny Combos

8 years ago

This is not EXTREMELY unfair, a simple Erase will be a counter.Energy Field + Rest in Peace , AND if you want more protection,

Energy Field + Greater Auramancy + Rest in Peace + Greater Auramancy