MTG Combo: Enter the Infinite + Laboratory Maniac

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Trainyaj on Melek's Codex of Millenial Storms that Shower Mana

5 years ago

I would take out the counterspells as people just won't play into them because they know that you have them and I would add in Enter the Infinite + Laboratory Maniac as a win con.

DrkNinja on Neheb & Storm?

7 years ago

@Bhaal666 Ther problem is Scrapyard Wars! ft. Daretti & Spellslinger are both combo decks and Mizzix specifically is more hated because of the counter magic I play. My friend has an Omnath deck though, and it's a higher tier than either of those decks he just plays the deck poorly. Sure Mizzix does stormy things but it mostly just combos out with Enter the Infinite + Laboratory Maniac and hates things; Daretti is just an asshole in general (see what I did there...).

I just feel like Burn is easier to deal with, I'm not gonna be holding a mana drain waiting to fuck that omnath in the butt.

I think i'll do the tokens and the burn... dunno how yet...

jakeelephant006 on Prossh the Pummeller

7 years ago

Shane.Allen, yup. Next time I get an Amazon gift card that's what I'll be getting. Although, to be fair, playing w/o a certain victory in one's deck can make the games a little more thrilling. That's the disadvantage when I play w/ my Teferi, Temporal Archmage deck. I always know I'm just looking for Enter the Infinite + Laboratory Maniac to finish things up.

EddCrawley on Talrand, Token Summoner

7 years ago

Various win conditions are;

Smash with 2/2 Flyers (possible 5/5, with Caged Sun + Clever Impersonator + Phyrexian Metamorph

Smash with 3/2 Flying Wizards, or 6/5 as above.

Smash with their creatures with Bribery, Aethersnatch, Clone Legion, Supplant Form

Enter the Infinite + Laboratory Maniac + and draw spell.

Progressively larger pings with Sphinx-Bone Wandnot difficuly, with 3 Caged Sun and bouncing all Instants and Sourceries back to your hand with Metallurgic Summonings.

mountainturtle93 on

8 years ago

Enter the Infinite + Laboratory Maniac is another good one too

Alphademonic on

8 years ago

Sorry for the late response, been reworking this deck quite a bit over the last few days, and it took me a while to find a good spot for Bloodchief Ascension, thanks for the suggestion, it should work great with Nekusar, the Mindrazer.
I'm peronally not a huge fan of Mindcrank, mainly because most of the people in my group play graveyard combos or reanimation, I also don't run a lot of consistent draw + damage in this deck (i.e Howling Mine, Kami of the Crescent Moon), I prefer to just build up, and win with 1 combo (Enter the Infinite + Laboratory Maniac , Hive Mind + Nekusar, the Mindrazer + Wheel of Fortune or Mind Over Matter + Temple Bell .

AdditionalPylons on I'm Mr. Meeseeks look at me!

8 years ago

A few cards that I like to run in my Mizzix Deck are: Enter the Infinite + Laboratory Maniac and Mind Over Matter. Add a Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind and you get endless looting until you hit other combo cards. Additionally Ignite Memories and Grapeshot are great for the end of those long turns and any green players.