MTG Combo: Enter the Infinite + Omniscience


achilles777 on Narset Starter- Help Needed!!!

5 years ago

Rings of Brighthearth does not work with Narset, Enlightened Master , not sure if that’s why it’s there or if it’s for some other purpose. It seems like you’re right on target with most lists I’ve seen. I too am running a competitive Narset, Enlightened Master deck with Enter the Infinite + Omniscience combo into Approach of the Second Sun . Auriok Salvagers seems odd, what is it’s purpose?

speck2993 on Make Narset Great Again

6 years ago

Narset can get us free spells, so we only need one attack. That pushes us into Goryo's.

We want noncreature spells that can win us the game upon casting. That puts us in Enter the Infinite + Omniscience .

back when Khans was released (and before we knew that he's sort of terrible); he packed it with extra combat effects to get as many Narset triggers as possible.

I'm convinced that that's the best Narset deck, or pretty close to it, and it's not very good.

GS10 on Enlightened Pyromaster

8 years ago

Planeswalkers definitely would make your game better, but they're off most Narset decks I've seen, so they're not needed.

You're mana issues are definitely related to those 28 lands. Despite playing you stuff for free, Narset needs to come out as soon as possible and is really prone to getting countered, so you'll both need stuff to do before you cast her and ways to cast her faster again if she gets countered or killed somehow. I wouldn't take the burn route in EDH, but if you want to stick with it I think Narset has got to be one of the better options for it. But run, at least 36 to 38 lands and don't cut on the mana rocks!

Stax cards seem random, so I'd cut them at all and I'd run extra turn effects, especially Beacon of Tomorrows that you can play infinitely with Beacon of Destruction once you get to the end of your deck. The blue one is the one big staple in Narset decks with Enter the Infinite + Omniscience , so that's a way you could go, but Narset actually goes through the deck fast enough by herself, but you really need to play her FAST and possibly even give her haste.

I recommend Hammer of Purphoros, Need for Speed, and Slayers' Stronghold for that hasty Narset. Even though it's a creature, I run Generator Servant for the chance of that early hasty Narset too.

Also Fellwar Stone and Coldsteel Heart can be further budget additions to your mana rock suite.

If you really want to go the Burn plan, I'd definitely focus on card function. You want cards to burn, you want cards to copy burn spells (since in EDH you'll often feel all the burn is short to kill everyone and still deal with creatures) where Geistblast seems to be at it's best, you want cards to allow Narset to trigger multiple times (extra attacks, extra turns), you want ways to defend yourself so probably a bit of a pillow fort theme and some serious token generators like Elspeth, Sun's Champion or Assemble the Legion, and you want ways to keep your Narset from dying, so Aqueous Form, Gift of Immortality, Indestructibility, Spectra Ward...

Check out my deck for additional insights if you want. It's my most recent deck and didn't have a lot of play with it so far, but it's by far my most powerful deck already, because Narset is crazy strong if you make the most of her ability!

Narset, the Glass Cannon

Commander / EDH* GS10


Museless on

8 years ago

humblewarrior - Glad I could help! Also, I was browsing your list some more, and wondering: what do you have for blue decks, either traditional spell control or combo?

A lot of the stuff Mardu has to offer focuses on creatures or other permanents, which leads us to issues with stuff like Enter the Infinite + Omniscience . Granted, there's not many ways to interact with that once it happens anyway, especially with Counter backup in their hand. I know I run Boseiju, Who Shelters All to protect my silver bullets, and have Sudden Impact and Blood Oath to give it my best shot, but it's something that the deck does otherwise struggle against.

PayOneLife on Teferi Control Arcmage

8 years ago

Hey Jason!

Firstly, the deck needs some win cons. At the moment the only one I can see is creature damage, which isn't going to work well. If you're trying to go toe-to-toe with a green deck you're not going to come out on top.

Blue has a few common win cons - Enter the Infinite + Omniscience with Laboratory Maniac

Psychosis Crawler and serious card draw.

Hinder + Tunnel Vision or Spell Crumple. You can use this to deck yourself if you have Laboratory Maniac in play.

Infinite mana + Blue Sun's Zenith. There's a bunch of of ways to get infinite mana, but you don't have any here.

Also, there's a couple of mana sources you should have - Caged Sun and High Tide. I'd consider increasing the land count too.

I did like the other deck you showed me, and I think it could provide a good basis for a deck. There's an extra slot in there because the person has put Teferi in twice (you don't need to put it in the list if you put it as commander), and Erayo is banned. Otherwise it was very good.

Optimator on Azami's Tsunami

8 years ago

Huge suggestion dump:

Chasm Skulker-talk about a win condition!

Stormtide LeviathanInkwell Leviathan-Beef! Wincon?

Deadeye Navigator--take advantage of a crazy ETB (...Enters The Battlefield, ...) abilities.

Dream Halls wtfbbq crazy old card but not banned or even that expensive!

Consecrated Sphinx--pricey, but borderline broken and not banned.

Cyclonic Rift--one of the best wipes in the game, apparently.

Enter the Infinite + Omniscience +Show and Tell! Wankery! Expensive, savage, blue wankery.

Conjurer's Closet--Quickly becoming one of my favorite Artifacts. ETB, LTB (...Leaves The Battlefield, ...) effects going off like crazy!

Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur

Mind Over Matter

Rhystic Study

Reliquary Tower

Venser's Journal

Solemn Simulacrum

Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx

Staff of Nin

Strionic Resonator

trinitok on

8 years ago

Hello, I saw your post in the forums. I hope you wouldn't mind me posting here instead of the forums. I find it can sometimes get rather cluttered there.

Since you're playing Thassa, God of the Sea, you could easily run voltron since you can make her unblockable. May I ask why you want to run blue combos though? Just going for something different?

All the same, I recommend Deadeye Navigator. He is a really good guy to combo with. He would synergize with your deck no matter what because if someone board wipes you can have his ability phase Thassa out and then she'd come back completely unscathed and ready to beat your enemies to a pulp. He also combos with several other creatures that have any kind of ETB effect. The most notable that I know of off the top of my head is with Palinchron. The combo does require a large mana base though, but it will pay you back with infinite mana for mill with Blue Sun's Zenith.

You could also get Laboratory Maniac. There are a lot of ways you can get him out and then just mill yourself for the win.

May I ask why you don't run Rhystic Study? Good card draw there and it gets rid of opponent's mana base.

Kira, Great Glass-Spinner + Spellskite wrecks some decks.

Enter the Infinite + Omniscience slap your dick in their face.


iLikeDirt on Mizzix Storm

8 years ago

I considered the Enter the Infinite + Omniscience route, but I personally wanted to go with something that had more challenge to it. I've had a little bit of enough of instant wins with Riku of Two Reflections.

I like that 3 card set up sonnet666, I'm going to put it in my considerations for now mostly because two of those three are very meh in my opinion, outside of being combo pieces (Lightning Bolt and Reset.

Here is a prototype build I'm thinking is semi close to where I want to start. Thoughts?

Then he just stormed off!